Year Published/Registered:2012
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Xiameng Yulan'
Species/Combination:C. azalea hybrid
Chinese Name:夏梦玉兰
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Magnolia's summer dream
Mrs. Yulan's Summer Dream 2021 - ACS Registration #3292, synonym for 'Xiameng Yulan'.
» English Description
Xiameng Yulan (C. azalea hybrid). published in American Camellia Yearbook 2021, p. 124. China Regn. #2012-106. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2012, No.24, p.46. Originated by Palm Landscape Architecture Co. Ltd., China. A seedling of Miyakodori x C. azalea, first flowered 2010. A bright red single flower, 10-15 cm diameter, 6 interarranged, magnolia-like petals, obovate. Colour light pink with darker veining visible. Filaments 30-50, milk-white, anthers yellow. Leaves dark green, long-elliptic, thick, slightly reflexed, edges shallowly serrated. Plant upright, dense and vigorous. Flowers summer to midwinter. 2021 - ACS Registration #3292 as 'Mrs. Yulan's Summer Dream'.
» Chinese Description
夏梦玉兰 Camellia ‘Xiameng Yulan’ 中国登录号:2012-106,《中国花卉园艺》2012年第24期46页。由林彦命名,棕榈园林股份有限公司的冯玉兰、骆海林、冯桂梅培育并登录。这是一个红山茶品种与杜鹃红山茶之间的杂交种。2006 年播种,2010 年首次开花。花蕾纺锤形,萼片浅绿色,开花稠密。花朵淡红色,单瓣型。中型花,花径8~9cm。花瓣6枚,交错排列,倒卵形,瓣面粉色较淡,脉纹清晰,全开放后花瓣的中上部外翻,似玉兰花朵状。雄蕊30~50枚,基部连生,呈管状。花丝乳白色,花药淡黄色,雌蕊柱头2~3裂。叶片浓绿色,叶背面灰绿色,长椭圆形,厚实,上半部略下弯,且边缘齿钝。植株立性,枝叶稠密,生长旺盛。花期6月中旬至12月底。
Flower Form:Single / Campanulate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8-9 cm
Blooming Season: 6-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Yulan Cha、Tengyue Yulan、Moxian Yulan、Xiameng Chunling、Xiameng Hualin、Xiameng Kejuan、Xiameng Wenqing、Xiameng Xiaoxuan、Xiameng Yanping、Xiameng Wujuan