Year Published/Registered:100
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Moxian Yulan'
Species/Combination:'Suzanne Withers’ × 'Tomorrow Variegated'
Chinese Name:莫闲玉兰
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Moxian Yulan ('Suzanne Withers’× 'Tomorrow Variegated'). Chinese Registration Number:CCRN2023013. It was originated by You Mingfei, Jiang Jiansheng and Li Jiyuan from Jinhua Moxian Horticultural Engineering Co., Ltd. A hybrid between ’Suzanne Withers’ crossed with ‘Tomorrow Variegated 'as the male parent. Small shrub with yellow-green young shoots. Leaves 9-11.2cm long, 4.0-5.4 cm wide, elliptic, green, with finely serrated margins, petioles 0.5-0.8 cm long. Flowers pink, 10-11 cm in diameter, semi-double to rose double form, the petals are rounded at the apex, obovate, with a few stamens which arranged like a tube. Bloom season from February to March.
» Chinese Description
莫闲玉兰 (Camellia 'Moxian Yulan'). 中国茶花登录号: CCRN2023013。由金华市莫闲园艺工程有限公司等的游鸣飞、姜建生和李纪元等培育。苏姗娜'Suzanne Withers’×复色明天'Tomorrow Variegated’的杂交品种。小灌木,嫩芽黄绿色。叶片长9-11.2 厘米,宽4.0-5.4 厘米,椭圆形,绿色,边缘细锯齿,基部楔形,叶柄长0.5-0.8 厘米,粉色。花直径10-11 厘米,半重瓣至玫瑰重瓣型,花瓣顶端圆形,倒卵形,雄蕊少,筒型排列。花期2-3月。
Flower Form:Semi-double / Standard
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 10-11 cm
Blooming Season: 2-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Xiameng Yulan、Yulan Cha、Tengyue Yulan、Moxian Chunxiao、Moxian Yudie、Moxian Chengqi、Moxian Zidie、Moxian Yurui、Moxian Chenchen、Moxian Fendie