International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Kan'yōtai


Last Updated:2022/7/28 7:39:33 By:Sueo Takano

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Chosen by Sueo Takano



Year Published/Registered1933

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Kan'yōtai'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name:寒陽袋 かんようたい

Meaning:Imaginary bag of sun's heat kept for winter


Kanyō-bukuro  Wada, 1941, Garden Treasures of Japan as ‘Kanyo-bokuro’.Different reading for Kan’yōtai. Corruption of the name: ‘Kanyōbukuro’.

Kanyohtai  Andoh, 1971, Tsubaki. Meika no Shōkai to Saibai, p.214.Different reading for Kan’yōtai.

Kanyototea  McIlhenny Catalogue, 1946-1947. Corruption of the Japanese name Kan’yōtai.

Kayabukura  Corruption of the Japanese name ‘Kan’yō-bukuro’;Different reading for Kan’yō­tai.

Kayobururo  RHS., 1968, The Rhododendron and Camellia Yearbook, p.19. Corruption of the Japanese name ‘Kan’yō-bukuro’,Different reading for Kan’yōtai.


» English Description

Minagawa, 1933, Chinkashū. Wada, 1941, Garden Treasures of Japan, p.30, as ‘Kanyōbukuro’: Large, smooth petalled double, fine red. For colour plates see: Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.115; Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.185, p.94, description, p.144; Encyclopedia of Camellia in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pl.172; Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1979, Senchinshū, p.40, description, p.209: Leaves elliptic to ovate-­oblong, flat, venation slightly impressed. Flowers semi-double, rosy red, (Crimson 22/1) petals standing apart, outer petals slightly recurved, inner erect, stamens sometimes divided. Flow­ers mid-season. Originated in the Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan. Different readings: ‘Kanyōtai’, ‘Kanyohtai’, ‘Kan Yotai’, ‘Kanyō Tai’, ‘Kanyō-bukuro’. Corruption of name: ‘Kanytotea’.

» Japanese Description

講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.316. 保育社 .1974《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.214. 文化出版局.1975. 《現代椿名鑑》..98  誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.69. 日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》 p.111. 関東. []紅色、八重、肉厚、弁端が反転、筒~割りしべ、ときに旗弁、中輪、4~5月。[]長楕円、中形 []立性、[来歴]1933年の皆川「椿花集」に載る、名は中国の故事で、光を集めて暖を取る空想上の袋に由来。写/桐野、文/編集委員会


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season Japan

