International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Kenny


Last Updated:2023/4/12 11:39:06 By:Yves CHAPEL

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Chosen by Yves CHAPEL



Year Published/Registered1840

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Kenny'

Chinese Name:肯尼

Japanese Name



Kenni  Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification....Outstanding Camellias, p.417; Chinese synonym for the France C.japonica Kenny.

Kenny Glend  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Orthographic error for ‘Kenny Glen’, synonym for Kenny.

Kenny Glene  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Orthographic error for ‘Kenny Glen’, synonym for Kenny.

Kenny Glenn  Thomasville Nursery Catalogue, 1947. Orthographic errors: ‘Kenny Glend’, ‘Kenny Glene’. Synonym for Kenny.

Kenny Variegated  Fruitland Nursery Catalogue, 1948-1949 as ‘Kenny Var.’. Synonym for Kenny.

1 show +


» English Description

Cachet Catalogue, 1840-1841, p.3. No description. van Houtte Catalogue, 1841, 7:11: Very full peony form. Illustrated and described, Fendig, 1949, American Camellia Cata­logue: Large carmine, (Camellia Rose 622 & 622/1) splashed with white, 11 cm across x 5.5 cm deep. Outer petals, 5.5 cm long in two rows. Inner petals of crepe texture, are erect and undu­late with stamens intermixed. Leaves dark green, 8 cm x 5 cm, leathery, serrations fairly coarse, apex broad-pointed, pronounced venation. Plant habit is spreading with medium growth rate. Listed by Guichard Soeurs from 1894 on and was imported to USA by McIlhenny 1934. Although the original scant description does not mention white marks, all the later listing describe white variegation in various proportions from “scant white marbling” to “predomi­nantly white”. Evidently the cultivar became virus variegated at an early stage and the varie­gated form retains the original name. Synonyms: ‘Kenny Glen’, ‘Kenny Variegated’. Pseudonym: ‘Leviathan’. Chinese synonym ‘Kenni’.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第127页。美国人培育。花粉红色,有少量白色斑块,牡丹型,大型花,大花瓣2轮,先端圆,中部花瓣波浪状,花瓣间夹杂少量黄色雄蕊,花朵稠密。叶片浓绿色,椭圆形,叶面粗糙,植株开张,生长旺盛。花期中至晚。


Flower Size9-11 cm

Blooming Season1-4 Month France

