Year Published/Registered:2020
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Longdong No.36-1'
Species/Combination:C. oleifera
Chinese Name:龙洞36-1号
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Yao Xiaohua and Ren Huadong eds. 2020. Oil-tea Camellia Genetic Resource in China. p.545.【Resource number】440106_010_0002;Breeding resources (clones);Oil cultivation, genetic breeding materials. Originated in Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.【PLANT】upright. Young shoots have hairs. Leaf buds yellow-green, have tomentose hairs.【LEAF】young leave yellow red,old leaves medium green,oval in shape. Leaf margins flat,Leaf apex acuminate,Leaf base cuneate,4.68 cm long and 2.13cm wide.【FLOWER】Sepals without hairs,petal in white color,the pistil shorter than the stamen,stigma lobed 3. Ovaries have pubescent.【FRUIT】surface smooth,Ovoid,cyan in color;average weight 9.58g;Ratio of fresh seeds 33.4%;Testa color brown;Kernel oil content %.【FATTY ACID CONTENT】Oleic acid %,Linoleic acid %,Linolenic acid %.,Stearic acid %,Palmitic acid %. Full blooming season Mid-December;Fruit harvest season Late October.