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Chosen by wangzhonglang
Year Published/Registered:2016
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Pate Zhile'
Species/Combination:C. azalea × C. reticulata hybrid 'Fenglu'
Chinese Name:帕特之乐
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Mrs. Patricia Short’s Happiness
» English Description
Gao Jiyin et al. 2016. Illustrations of the New Camellias Hybrids that Bloom Year-round. P.351. [C. azalea × C. reticulata hybrid ‘Fenglu’](Mrs. Patricia Short’s Happiness). Flowers red with deep veins on petal surfaces, rose-double to formal double form in over 6 whorls, medium to large. Leaves dark-green, shiny, elliptic. Plant compact and growth vigorous. Starts to bloom from summer, fully blooms from autumn to winter and sparsely in spring.
» Chinese Description
高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》, p.351。“花蕾球形,萼片淡绿色,无毛。花朵红色,瓣面显深色脉纹,玫瑰重瓣型至完全重瓣型,中到大型花,花径9.8~12.0cm,花瓣60枚以上,呈6轮松散有序排列,倒卵形,长5.2cm,宽2.8cm,外部花瓣外翻,中部花瓣边缘内扣,先端微凹。叶片浓绿色,光亮,叶背面灰绿色,革质,椭圆形,长9.7cm,宽4.6cm。植株紧凑,生长旺盛。夏季始花,秋、冬盛花,春季稀疏开花。