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Home/ Cultivars/ Pomponia Semi-duplex

Pomponia Semi-duplex

Last Updated:2022/8/23 12:21:59 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1828

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Pomponia Semi-duplex'

Chinese Name:波朋尼亚

Japanese Name



Paeoniiflora Semi-duplex  Loddiges Catalogue, 1849, p.35 as ‘Paeonae semidup.’. Synonym for Pomponia Semi-duplex.

Palmeria Alba  Buist, 1839, American Flower Garden Directory, p.245. Synonym for Pomponia Semi-Duplex.

Poeoenoeflora Semi-duplex  Robert Tyas, 1843, Popular Flowers, p.86. Orthographic error for Pomponia Semi-duplex.

Poeoneflora Semi-plena  Trillon, Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.8. Orthographic error for ‘Paeoniiflora Semi-plena’, synonym for Pomponia Semi-duplex.

Pompom Semi-plena  Jacob Makoy et Cie, Catalogue, 1836, p.17. Synonym for Pomponia Semi­duplex.

4 show +


» English Description

Jacob-Makoy, 1828 Catalogue, p.5. No description. Anonymous, 1832, Annales de la Société Horticulture de Paris, 10:255-256: Presented for inspection by Berlèse, but not specified as being either new or grown by him. Berlèse, 1837, Monographie, ed.1, p.56 as ‘Pomponia Semi-plena’: Leaves lanceolate, short acuminate, venation a little raised, finely serrate; form, colour and dimensions as Pompone; buds large, round, scales greenish white; flowers large, 10.8 cm across, semi-double, reg­ular, brilliant white, with often a ray of rose on the larger petals; stamens numerous, disposed in a cluster in the centre. See pl.58, Berlèse, 1841, Iconographie. Orthographic variants:- ‘Pomponia Semi-Double’, ‘Pomponia Semi-Plena’, ‘Pompon Semipleno’, ‘Paeoniiflora Semi­Duplex’, ‘Pompom Semi-plena’. Synonyms: ‘Palmeri Alba’, ‘Palmer’s White’, ‘Palmeria Alba’. Orthographic error: ‘Poeonoeflora Semi-duplex’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.215.

Pomponia Semi-duplex波朋尼亚(C. japonica)红山茶。1832,法国。半重瓣、淡绿白色、 偶有放射状红条斑、大轮(10.8cm)。同种异名:Pomponia Semi-Plena (波尼尔)。


Flower Size10.8-13 cm

Blooming Season France