International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Sweetiana


Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Gianmario Motta


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1831

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Sweetiana'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Anagua Ingleza  Loureiro, 1882, Jornal de Horticultura Pratica, 13:107, Synonym for Sweetiana.

Bunii  Cels, Paris Nursery Catalogue, 1839, p.28. Synonym for Sweetiana as ‘Sweetii Vera de Colvill’.

Maculata Grandiflora  Jacob Makoy et Cie Catalogue, 1839, p.17. Synonym for Sweetiana.

Sir Walter Scott  Rousseau, Angers Catalogue, 1842-1843, p.4. Synonym for Sweetiana.

Stewetii Vera  Tourres, Macheteaux Catalogue, 1839, p.22. Orthographic error for ‘Sweetii Vera’, synonym for Sweetiana.

46 show +


» English Description

Paxton, 1831-1832, Horticultural Register, vol.I, p.462: Camellia japonica var. Sweetiana or ‘Sweets painted flowered Camellia’: The flowers are variegated with white, blush and deep rosy red. It was raised from seed at Mr Colvill’s by Mr Sweet some years ago from the cross ‘Pomponia’ (Pompone) x Variegata. Sweet, 1833, British Flower Garden, ser.II, Vol.II, No. 133 with colour painting: Flower bearing a strong resemblance to a variegated rose, generally very double. The illustration depicts a pink, rather than a blush background, with darker pink streaks and spots and faint white edge to the petals which are ruffled and faintly imbricated in 5 outer rows with 9-10 petals to the outside row. This type of camellia is most variable in its depth of background colour, and, from the different descriptions, appears variable in form also. Berlèse, 1841, Iconographie, vol.1, pl.91: The petals of the circumference are in three rows, of average size, long-oblong, somewhat imbricated, of a very pale flesh-orange with touches of yellowish rose and longitudinal veins or mottles of deep orange red with nuances of softer colour, edges margined with white, sometimes double notches at the apex. Those at the centre are small, more or less numerous, erect, narrow and strap-like, of the same colour as the others and with sterile stamens. See also Mertens & Fontaine, Collection de cent espèces.....camellia, 1845, pl.41 as ‘Sweetii’. There are considerable misspellings and the use of synonyms in liter­ature over the ensuing years. It would seem that the cultivar in America is a different clone which has been separated out under the name Sweetii Vera. Following are some names which have been used: ‘Sveziana de Colvill’, ‘Sveetia Antica’, ‘Sweet Vera, ‘Sweeti’, ‘Sweeti Colvilli’, ‘Sweetii de Colvill’, ‘Sweeti Vera’, ‘Sweetia Ancien’, ‘Sweetia Colvillii’, ‘Sweetii Vera de Colvill’, ‘Sweets’, ‘Sweetii Vera’, ‘Sweetia Vera Ancien’, ‘Sweetia Vera’, ‘Sweetiana’(Buist), ‘Sweetiana de Colvill’, ‘Sweetina Nova’, ‘Sweetii’, ‘Sweetiana Vera de Colvill’, ‘Swetia Vera’, ‘Swetiana’, ‘Swetii Vera’, ‘Swetiana de Colwil’, ‘Sweti Verleuven’, ‘Swetii’, ‘Swethii Vera di Colwill’, ‘Swetii de Colvill’, ‘Switsiana’, ‘Swetii Vera di Colvill’, ‘Swetti de Colvill’, ‘Swellena Nova’. ‘Sweetii Bruick’, ‘Sweethii’, ‘Sweetana’(Colvill’s), ‘Sweetiana Nova de Colvill’, ‘Sweet­hii Vera de Colv.’, ‘Sweediana’, ‘Sweetii Buik’, ‘Sweetii Colvil’, ‘Sweite’. Synonyms: ‘Bunii’, ‘Walter Scott’, ‘Sir Walter Scott’, ‘Walter Scott Nova’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season United States

