International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Wabisuke


Last Updated:2022/8/29 8:54:26 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1695

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia 'Wabisuke'

Chinese Name:佗助、佗介

Japanese Name:侘助 わびすけ



Campanulata  Yashiroda, 1938. This name is an erroneous abbreviation for the early botanical classification Thea reticulata var. campanulata f. bicolor. The prior valid name is Wabisuke.

Campanulata Bicolor  SCCS, 1951, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. An abbreviation for Thea reticulata var. campanulata f. bicolor. The prior valid name is Wabisuke.

Hai Liu Cha  Chinese group name for wabisuke. Japanese reading: ‘Kairyu Cha’. Different reading: ‘Hailiuhua’.

Hon‑wabisuke  (Principal Wabisuke), Watanabe, 1960, Kyōto Engei Kurabu, Tsubaki Tokushū, No.1, p.55. Originated in Japan. Synonyms: ‘Daitokuji‑wabisuke’, ‘Kochō‑wabisuke’, ‘Wabisuke’.

Kairyu-cha  Japanese group name for Wabisuke. Ono, 1803, Honzō Kōmoka Keimō; Yashiro, 1841, Kokon Yōrankō. Chinese reading: ‘Hailiu Cha’.

15 show +


» English Description

Itō, Ihei, 1695, Kadan Chikinshō, vol.1; also listed in the Zoho Chikinshō, 1710, Itō, Jukyū, 1739, Honzō Hanamaki’e; Kasuya, Kamegorō, 1859, Tsubaki Irohanayose Irotsuki, described this a: Red, small size, single, tubular flower with white spots. Another name is ‘Kochō’. In the Journal of Japanese Botany, 1910, Makino gave it taxanomic standing as Thea retic­ulata f. bicolor. He revised this to Camellia reticulata var. wabiske, in 1910, but this remains invalid as Lindley had previously used this designation for a different camellia species. Kitamura finally nominated it as Camellia wabiske f. bicolor in 1950. Sealy 1958, lists C.wabiske among the doubtful and excluded species. Chang, 1981, does not treat this material as a species at all. Flowers are single, campanulate, petals out-curving; colour crimson, RHS.CC. 22/1 with white spots. Leaves elliptical to narrow-elliptic, apex acuminate. venation impressed, margins crenulate-serrulate. Blooms mid-season. ‘Wabisuke’ is also a group name for a collection of putative hybrids of ancient origin and very low fertility or totally infertile, in Japan. It is thought that the original cross was between C.japonica and C.sinensis. Different reading: ‘Wabiske’. The Japanese pronounce ‘wabisuke’ as ‘wabiske’ and this orthography was used by the early botanists before the adoption of the Hepburn transliteration system by the Horticultural nomenclature code. Wabisuke is now regarded as the prior and valid latin orthography, although pronounced ‘wabiske’ For various colour illustrations & descriptions see: Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pl.459, pp.186, 361; Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.402, p.204; Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1980, Senchinchū, pp.164, 257. For botanical drawings, colour photo and description see: pp.12-16, Kyōto Engei Kurabu, 1982, Tsubaki Tokushū, No.11. Synonyms: ‘Kochō-­wabisuke’, ‘Shibori-wabisuke’, ‘Azuma-wabisuke’, ‘Futairo-wabisuke’, ‘Campanulata Bicolor’, Wabisuke-shibori’. It is known around Kyōto as ‘Kochō-wabisuke’ (Butterfly Wabisuke) which is also listed in Itō, Ko’emon, 1879 Chinkashū. ‘Kochō’ is given as a synonym in the Kadan Chikinshō. The synonym ‘Shibori-wabisuke’ is used by the Katayama Nursery for form said to be a little larger in size, so that now the name Kochō-wabisuke is commonly used in Japan, for this variety instead of ‘Wabisuke’. The name ‘Wabisuke’ had also been used for the white form Shiro-wabisuke by Makino, 1910, but is now corrected. Orthographic error: ‘Wabasuki’. Orthographic variant: ‘Wabiske’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.276. Wabisuke佗助、佗介(Wabisuke),伊藤伊兵卫,1695,花坛地锦抄,vol.1:单瓣、红色、白斑、小轮。别名:Kocho (胡蝶)。"Wabisuke"可能起源于日本古代的杂交种,雄蕊发育不全, 生育率非常的低或几乎不会生育,据曰本园艺界的研究,推估可能是C.japonica(红山茶)与 C.sinensis()的杂交种。

» Japanese Description

保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 .210. ガーデンラィフ編集部. 1980. 《原色日本の椿写真集千椿集》. 誠文堂新光社. 写/p.164、文/p.257.      文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. p.243.  []紅色地に白斑が入る、一重、筒~猪口咲き、極小輪、3~4月。[]中型の楕円~やや長楕円形、網脈まで強くくぼむ []立性、白侘助より強い。[来歴]増補地錦抄(1710)に記載がある。古木は京都の社寺に現存し、特に大徳寺総見院と金閣寺の大木は有名である。 文/桐野


Flower Size2-6 cm

Blooming Season3-4 Month Japan

