Year Published/Registered:2012
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Xiafeng Relang'
Species/Combination:C. azalea hybrid
Chinese Name:夏风热浪
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Summer’s Wind & Hot Waves
Summer's Wind and Hot Waves 2021 - ACS Registration #3290, synonym for 'Xiafeng Relang'.
» English Description
Xiafeng Relang (C. ‘Xiafeng Relang’). China Regn. #2012-096. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2012, No.22, p.45. Gao Jiyin et al. 2016. Illustrations of the New Camellias Hybrids that Bloom Year-round. P.193. Originated by Palm Landscape Architexture Co. Ltd., China. A seedling of C. azalea x Daikagura, first flowered 2010. A very large, 13-18 cm diameter flower, semidouble to peony form, 37 petals, outer petals in rows, inner petals slightly waved. Flower colour pink with some red petals, and some deep red veining visible. 196 stamens, filaments light red, stigma split into 7 at the tip. Leaves dark green, coriaceous, edges shallowly serrate. Plant spreading, dense and vigorous. Flowers from summer to midwinter. 2021 - ACS Registration #3290 as 'Summer's Wind and Hot Waves'.
» Chinese Description
夏风热浪 Camellia ‘Xiafeng Relang’ 中国登录号:2012-096,《中国花卉园艺》2012年第22期45页。由吴劲章命名,棕榈园林股份有限公司的刘坤良、刘信凯培育并登录。此品种是杜鹃红山茶与红山茶‘花牡丹’之间的杂交后代中选育。2006年播种,2010年首次开花。花蕾长圆球形,萼片黄绿色,被绢毛,开花稠密。花朵粉红色,有些花瓣红色,瓣面可见深红脉纹,半重瓣型到牡丹型,巨型花,花径 13~18 cm,花瓣37枚,外轮花瓣排列整齐,内轮花瓣略呈波浪状,雄蕊196枚,花丝淡红色,基部略连生,柱头7裂。叶片浓绿色,革质,边缘齿浅。植株开张,枝条稠密,生长旺盛。花期:6月中旬~12月底。
高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》, p.193。“花蕾长圆球形,萼片黄绿色,被白色绒毛,开花稠密。花朵深粉红至橘红色,瓣面可见深红色脉纹,偶有隐约白斑块,半重瓣型至牡丹型,有时会出现玫瑰重瓣型,大到巨型花,花径13.0~17.0cm,花瓣37枚,外轮花瓣排列整齐,内轮花瓣略呈波浪状,雄蕊196枚,花丝淡红色,基部略连生,柱头7裂。叶片浓绿色,有光泽,嫩叶黄绿色,叶背面灰绿色,革质,椭圆形,长8.9cm,宽4.2cm,边缘具浅锯齿。植株开张,枝条稠密,生长旺盛。
Flower Form:Semi-double / Doubleness(hose-in-hose)
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 13-18 cm
Blooming Season: 6-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Baojun Xiafeng