International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Xiangyun (hybrid)

Xiangyun (hybrid)

Last Updated:2023/1/11 19:06:06 By:ICR

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2022

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia ‘Xiangyun (hybrid)’

Chinese Name:香云

Japanese Name



» English Description

Xiangyun (C. hunanica x C. japonica 'Kramer's Supreme'). China Regn. #2022-349. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2022, No.4, p.47. It was bred and registered by You Mingfei and Shen Jian of Jinhua Moxian Horticultural Engineering Co., Ltd. A hybrid of C. hunanica crossed with C. japonica 'Kramer's Supreme'. It first bloomed in 2015. The flowers are purple-pink, matched by RHS CC Red-purple 73A, slightly aromatic, semi-double petal type to rose double petal type, large to giant flower, flower diameter 11.5~13.0 cm, large petals 28~32, arranged in 5~6 rounds, petals wide inverted ovate, slightly wavy edges, stamens clustered, filigree and anthers yellow. The leaves are medium green, hard leathery, broadly elliptic, 8.0~9.5 cm long, 4.5~5.0 cm wide, the midrib and lateral veins are obvious, the marginal leaf teeth are thin and pointed, and the base is wedge-shaped. The plant is compact, densely foliage, and vigorously grows. The flowering period is 1~3 months. As there were a cultivar called Xiangyun before, so this one was renamed as Xiangyun (hybrid) to tell the difference.

» Chinese Description

香云Camellia ‘Xiangyun’) 中国茶花注册号:2022-349.《中国花卉园艺》2022年第4期第47页。本品种系金华市莫闲园艺工程有限公司游鸣飞、沈剑培育并登录。由湖南山茶(C. hunanica)与克瑞墨大牡丹(C. japonica 'Kramer's Supreme')杂交获得的。2015年首次开花。花朵紫粉红色,经RHS比色卡比对,其花色为Red-purple 73A,略具芳香,半重瓣型至玫瑰重瓣型,大到巨型花,花径11.513.0 cm, 大花瓣2832枚,呈56轮排列,花瓣阔倒卵形,边缘略波浪状,雄蕊簇生,花丝和花药黄色。叶片中等绿色,硬革质,阔椭圆形,长8.09.5 cm,宽4.55.0 cm,中脉和侧脉明显,边缘叶齿细而尖,基部楔形。植株紧凑,枝叶稠密,生长旺盛。花期13月份。


Flower Size11.5-13 cm

Blooming Season1-3 Month China

