Year Published/Registered:2014
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Xingyuan Damei'
Species/Combination:'Donation' x 'Tama Glitters'
Chinese Name:星源达妹
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Xingyuan Damei ('Donation' x 'Tama Glitters'). China Regn. #2014-149. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2014, No.18, p.49. Flowers semi-double form, light pink with white spots, medium size to large size, 8.5-12.3 cm diameter, petals 15-18, thin, broadly obovate, emarginate, margins wavy and undulating, bud rotund with green sepals, tubular stamens cluster in the center, filament white, anthers golden yellow. Leaves long elliptic, deep green, thick, glossy, 9.2 cm long, 3 cm wide, margins serrate. Plant upright, growth fast. Flowers early to mid-season.
» Chinese Description
星源达妹 Camellia ‘Xingyuan Damei’ 中国登录号:2014-149,《中国花卉园艺》2014年第18期49页。由瞿宏伟命名,上海星源农业实验场的姚惠明、张斌、卜永斌、周和达培育并登录。该品种为赠奉'Donation'与闪烁'Tama Glitters'的杂交种。2004年播种,2009年首次开花,花蕾长圆球状,萼片绿色。花朵稠密,嫩粉红色,偶然出现隐约的白斑块,半重瓣型,中到大型花,花径8.5~12.3 cm,花瓣15~18枚,薄质,阔倒卵圆形,先端略凹缺,基部离生,花瓣边缘波浪状,雄蕊50枚左右,花色粉白色,基部连生,呈管状,花药金黄色。叶片浓绿色、光亮,硬革质,长椭圆形,长9.2 cm,宽3.6 cm,两侧边缘外翻,叶齿明显。植株开张,枝叶稠密,生长旺盛,抗性较强。花期冬季至翌年春末。
Flower Form:Semi-double / Standard
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8.5-12.3 cm
Blooming Season: 12-5 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Xingyuan Zhiyuan、Xingyuan Zhixing、Xingyuan Zhijiao、Xingyuan Jiewu、Xingyuan Xiaoleisi、Xingyuan Zhichun、Xingyuan Jiali、Xingyuan Guanghuan、Xingyuan Jiezuo、Xingyuan Hongling