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Chosen by wangzhonglang
Year Published/Registered:2016
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Zixin'
Species/Combination:C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica 'Tama Beauty'
Chinese Name:自信
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Gao Jiyin et al. 2016. Illustrations of the New Camellias Hybrids that Bloom Year-round. P.461. [C. amplexicaulis × C. japonica ‘Tama Beauty’](Self-confidence). Flowers dense, pink, fading to pink-white at the edges, single form, medium. Leaves green, larger, slightly wavy, veins visible, petiole slightly longer, margins densely serrate. Plant spread, branches hanging down and growth vigorous. Starts to bloom from late-autumn and fully blooms in winter and spring.
» Chinese Description
高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》, p.461。“花蕾球形,萼片绿色,花柄长0.5cm,开花稠密。花朵粉红色,渐向边缘呈粉白色,单瓣型,中型花,花径7.6~7.9cm,花瓣7枚,花朵厚质,倒卵形,长4.0cm,宽3.2cm,外翻,边缘略波浪状,雄蕊基部连生,花丝淡粉红色,花药黄色。叶片绿色,长薄革质,椭圆形,长14.0cm,宽5.4cm,略波浪状,叶脉明显,叶柄长0.6cm,叶齿密。植株开张,枝条下垂,生长旺盛。秋末始花,冬、春盛花。