Country:New Zealand
Year Published/Registered:1960
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Ballet Dancer'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:芭蕾演员
Japanese Name:
Balei Yanyuan (Ballet Performer),Gao, Jiyin, Ltr., 25-5-1990. Chinese synonym for Ballet Dancer.
芭蕾舞者 茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.2/28, No.1004.
» English Description
Nuccio’s Nurseries Catalogue, 1960; Dekker 1960, American Camellia Yearbook, p.1 with colour plate facing p.48: A medium full, peony form of Debutante style, but not so many petals. The outer guard petals are quite wide and taper to a point. the base of the flower is creamy white with margins of pink coral. The deep shading of the petal edges lend distinction. A non-shattering flower of good keeping qualities. Blooms mid-season on a plant of upright, compact growth. See colour photos: New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, vol.VIII, no.6, 1974, p.24-25. Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978, pl.8, p.25. ACRS, 1966, Camellia News, No.24, p.24. Sport: Ballet Dancer Variegated. Chinese synonym: ‘Balei Yanyuan’. Received the RHS Award of Merit, 1976 and the Award of Garden Merit, 1993. This cultivar was awarded as an AGM (Award of Garden Merit) plant by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993 at H5 rate (hardy: cold winter; -15°C to -10°C).
» Chinese Description
高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第35页。美国加利福尼亚州Nuccio’s Nurseries Inc.苗圃培育,我国内地也称‘苗蕾舞演员'和‘舞女’。花珊瑚红或橘红色,渐向花瓣基部变为奶白色,牡丹型,中到大型花,外轮花瓣宽大,边缘波浪状,中部花瓣波浪状扭曲,少量雄蕊间生其中,花量中等。叶片浓绿色,椭圆形,厚质,两边稍内卷,植株紧凑,生长旺盛。花期中。
芭蕾舞者,Ballet Dancer(C. japonica),陈丽惠2013年《山茶花谱台湾情》第191页,粉白、瓣緣漸暈深粉红,牡丹花型、中輪,1960 年美國發表。
朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.23.
Ballet Dancer 芭蕾舞者 C. japonica Ballet Dancer 芭蕾舞者(C. japonica)红山茶 。 1960,美国加州,H. F. Short 。松牡丹〜全牡丹、乳白色底、粉红雾边、瓣端颜色较浓、中〜大轮(8〜11cm)、花期1~2月,树性直立、枝叶浓密、长势中等。突变种:Ballet Dancer Variegated 。
Ballet Danger—蔡福贵,1984,茶花,p.157, No.142.拼音错误。同:Ballet Dancer。
Ballet Dancer (芭蕾舞者)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.2/28, No.1004.
Flower Form:Peony / Peony
Flower Colour:Bicolor Flower / Marginated red
Flower Size: 8-11 cm
Blooming Season: 1-2 Month New Zealand
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Flamenco Dancer、Native Dancer、Spanish Dancer、Winter's Dancer、Ballet Queen、Pink Ballet、Ashton's Ballet、Ballet Queen Variegated、Ballet in Pink、South Georgia Ballet