Year Published/Registered:1872
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Calliope (Fiaes)'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Calliope (Fiaes). (C.japonica), Loureiro Catalogue No.9, 1872-1873: A regular roseform double. Bright cherry red with deeper coloured veins. José Marques Loureiro Catalogues No.1, 1865, p.31 and No.3, 1866, Ref.32, p.38: Regular rose form, bright cherry with dark veining. Included in the list of camellias obtained in Fiaes, Jornal de Horticultura Pratica, Vol. XXIII, 1892, “Fiaes, Eden das Camellias”, by A. d’Almeida, p.100. Colour photos in the International Camellia Journal, 2009, p.97 and 2010, p.160. Orthographic variants: ‘Caliope’, ‘Calliope’. Originated in Fiaes, Portugal. Jorge Garrido, 2014. Portuguese Camellias-History & Beauty. p.109.
Flower Form:Formal / Imbricate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Red
Flower Size: 7-9 cm
Blooming Season: 2-3 Month Portugal
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Calliope、Pomona (Fiaes)、Terpsicore (Fiaes)、Urania (Fiaes)、Acteon (Fiaes)、Amyntas (Fiaes)、Euterpe (Fiaes)、Jasmim (Fiaes)、Endymião (Fiaes)、Gigante de Fiaes