Year Published/Registered:2022
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica ‘Douceur’
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:杜瑟尔
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Douceur (C.japonica), European Reg. No 171. First published in International Camellia Journal 2022, No. 54, p.38. Originated by Alfred Lemaitre, Carquefou, France and propagated by Nurseries Joël Lemaitre, La Favrière, Carquefou, 44470, France. Seedling of unkown parentage in 1995, first flowering in 2000. Plant: growth habit, bushy, growth rate, medium. Flower: medium 9 x 4 cm, compact anemon form, heart composed of upright petaloids, mixed with a few stamens, and always lighter than the outside petals; pale purplish pink (RHS2015 56C), opening strong pink (RHS2015 48C) with two rows of notched and round outside petals. Leaf: medium 9 x 5,5 cm, oval flat, acuminate apex, serrate margin of the leaf blade, dark green and glossy.
» Chinese Description
杜瑟尔(Camellia japonica ‘Douceur’),欧洲登录号171。首次发表于《国际山茶会志》2022年第54期第38页。法国卡尔克福的阿尔弗雷德·勒梅特雷培育,由法国卡尔克福拉法夫里埃的乔尔·勒梅特尔苗圃繁殖。1995年获得实生苗,双亲未知,2000年首次开花。植株:浓密,生长速度中等。花:中等大小,花径9厘米,花高4厘米,托桂型,花心由直立的花蕊瓣和少量雄蕊混合而成,颜色总是比外面的花瓣浅;淡紫粉色(RHS2015 56C),花开后为较深的粉红色(RHS2015 48C),外侧有两排带缺口圆形花瓣。叶:中等大小,长9厘米,宽5.5厘米,椭圆形扁平,顶端尖锐,叶缘锯齿状,深绿色,有光泽。
Flower Form:Anemone / Multiple rows of outer petals
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8-10 cm
Blooming Season: 1-3 Month France
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Double Dark、Double Decker、Double Peach Pink、Double Pink、Double Pink Pompom、Double Rainbow、Double Rose、Douglas Dean Hall、Douglas Mayfield、Douglas Potter