International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Heding Cha

Heding Cha

Last Updated:2022/8/13 10:23:03 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1621

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia reticulata 'Heding Cha'

Chinese Name:鹤顶茶

Japanese Name

Meaning:Crane's Crest Camellia


Crane Crest  Dryden, 1982, SCCS, The Camellia Review, vol.44, No.1, p.16. Western synonym for Heding Cha.

Ho-ting-ch'a  Yü & Bartholomew, 1980, American Camellia Yearbook, p.26.Different reading for Heding Cha.


» English Description

Wang, 1621, Qunfangpu. Yü & Bartholomew, 1980, American Camellia Yearbook, p.19: “(Crane Crest Camellia) Turkey red. Midseason to late. Dali;” with ‘Hedinghong’ as a synonym. The identity of Wang’s Camellia is unknown. Yü & Bartholomew propose re-using the name for the C.reticulata in place of ‘Hedinghong’ to pre­vent duplication. Different readings: ‘Ho-ting Ch’a’, ‘Hotingcha’. For colour plate see p.87, Feng et al. 1986, Yunnan Camellias of China as ‘Hedinghong’: Leaves thick, broad-ovate to broad-elliptic, apices short-pointed or acute, bases broad-cuneate to orbicular, 5.5-7 cm long x 3.5-5.3 cm wide. Flowers purple (RHS.CC.53B), diameter 12-13 cm. Petals about 33 in 6-7 whorls, regularly imbricated, slightly reclinate, recurved when fully open, becoming smaller from outer to inner whorls, inner petals with pinkish white stripes, others with short, silvery white hairs. Stamens mostly petaloid, some rudimentary. The petals of this cultivar are pur­plish-red with white hairs. It originated in Dali, Yunnan, China, Flowers mid-season. Western synonym: ‘Crane Crest’. Other synonyms: ‘Crane Crest Red’, ‘Stork Crest Red’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.120.

Heding Cha 鹤顶茶(Crane's Crest Camellia)。(C. reticulata)云南茶。1621,中国云南大理。玫瑰形、紫桃色、大巨大(1213cm)、花瓣约33枚、67重排列、内部花瓣带有粉白色条纹、外面花瓣具有银白色的短细线条、雄蕊几乎完全瓣化、雌蕊退化、无法结果,花期23月。同种异名:Crane CrestCrane Crest Red (鹤顶红)、Hedinghong (鹤顶红)、Stork Crest Red


Flower Size12-13 cm

Blooming Season2-3 Month China
