Year Published/Registered:2015
Cultivar Type:For Oil
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia semiserrata 'Hongyu No.2'
Species/Combination:C. semiserrata
Chinese Name:红羽2号
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Hongyu No. 2 (C. oleifera), a new variety authorized by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration of China in 2015. The variety right is 20150170. It was selected and bred by Chen Guochen, Yu Xiong'an and Ma Jinlin of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Forestry Academy. Evergreen trees, erect, with dense foliage and gray bark. Leaves oblong-elliptic,acuminate, base nearly round, margine wave, 10-20cm long, and 4-8cm wide, petiole 1-1.5cm long. Flowering begins in mid-December, last for 3 months. Numerous flowers, red
» Chinese Description
红羽2号Camellia semiserrata 'Hongyu No.2'是2015年国家林草局授权的新品种,【品种权号】20150170,【培育人】陈国臣、羽雄安、马锦林、张乃燕、王东雪、陈林强、叶航、江泽鹏、羽冬梅、羽丽梅、刘凯、梁斌,【品种权人】广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院\藤县红羽油茶发展有限公司。【品种特性】常绿乔木,树形直立,枝叶浓密,树皮呈灰色。叶片呈长圆状椭圆形,先端渐尖,基部近圆形,叶缘波,叶片多呈扭曲状;叶柄长1-1.5cm,叶长10-20cm,宽4-8cm,叶片1/2以上有锯齿。12月中旬始花,花期3个月;花量大,花红色,花冠比广宁红花油茶较小,直径3-4cm,无柄,盆状或杯状展开。萌果近球形,底部有明显的脐状,每果重150-400g,多为4室,皮厚0.9-1.5cm,种子12-25粒,鲜出籽率达25%-28%。陈国臣,张乃燕,王东雪,陈林强,叶航.油茶新品种‘红羽2号’[J].广西林业科学,2016,45(02):233-234.
Flower Form:
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Flower Size:
Blooming Season: China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Hongyu No.1、Jiazi No.2、Qianjiang No.2、Mianyou No.2、ChengMa No.2、Huaihua No.2、Qionghai No.2、Lingao No.2、Minyu No.2、Deyou No.2