Country:United States
Year Published/Registered:1941
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Lady Mary Cromartie'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
L.M. Cromartie
Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Abbreviation for Lady Mary Cromartie.
La Reine I
SCCS, 1954, The Camellia. Its Culture and Nomenclature. Pseudonym for Lady Mary Cromartie.
La Reine(1)
Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Pseudonym for Lady Mary Cromartie.
Lady Cromartie
Mark S. Cannon Scion Catalogue, 1962, p.6. Abbreviation of Lady Mary Cromartie.
Lady Cromarty
Haskin’s Nursery Catalogue, 1966, p.3. Orthographic error for Lady Mary Cromartie.
Lady Marion Cromartie
Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Orthographic error for Lady Mary Cromartie.
5 show +
Lady Mary Cromarte
Portland Camellia Nursery Catalogue, 1946-1947, p.10. Orthographic error for Lady Mary Cromartie.
Lady Mary Cromartie Pink
Fruitland Nursery Catalogue, 1943-1944, p.28. Synonym for Lady Mary Cromartie.
Lady Mary Cromarty
McIlhenny Catalogue, 1946-1947, p.8. Orthographic error for Lady Mary Cromartie.
Mary Cromartie
Camellia Digest. 1(3),1943 as ‘Mary Cromarti’. Abbreviation for Lady Mary Cromartie.
» English Description
Fruitland Nursery Catalogue, 1941-1942, p.28: A large size, deep rose-pink, incomplete double, 10-11 cm across, 8-10 large, outer petals, broad-ovate, recurved, deeply notched; centre of flower, wide spreading, stamen cluster, surrounded by small, semi-erect inner petals. Filaments light yellow, anthers golden. Leaves elliptic, dull, dark green, thin, flexible, 8.5 cm x 4.5 cm, acuminate apex, serrations broad and shallow. Originated at Magnolia Gardens, John’s Island, South Carolina, USA. Orthographic errors: ‘Lady Mary Cromarte’, ‘Lady Mary Cromarty’, ‘Lady Marion Cromartie’. Abbreviation: ‘Mary Cromartie’. Sport: Lady Mary Cromartie Variegated. Pseudonym: ‘La Reine’. Synonym: ‘Lady Mary Cromartie Pink’. See black & white photo, p.201, Hertrich, 1954, Camellias in the Huntington Gardens, vol.I.