Year Published/Registered:2015
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Maria Alexandrina'
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:
» English Description
International Camellia Journal, 2015, p.120; European Reg. No. 114. Originated, registered and propagated by António Assunção, Rua Bela Vista no 156, Candoso St. Tiago, Guimarães, Portugal. First raised seven years ago, first flowered in 2011. Female parent C. japonica ‘Villar D’Allen’, male parent C. japonica ‘Angelina Vieira’. Propagated by graft. Grown outdoors, the growth rate is medium and the growth style is upright and dense. It flowers late season with a short flowering period. Flowers are purple, formal double, imbricated, 70-80 mm, with 30 to 36 petals. Buds oval. Leaves 90 x 50 mm, light green, curled and serrated. Flower shatters on falling. This cultivar was dedicated to Maria Alexandrina, a friend and lover of camellias. The name was chosen by herself. Jorge Garrido, 2014. Portuguese Camellias-History & Beauty. p.159.
Flower Form:Formal / Imbricate
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Deep red
Flower Size: 4-7.5 cm
Blooming Season: 3-5 Month Portugal
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Alexandrina、Virginia Alexandrina、Maria、Ave Maria、Diva Maria、Maria (Portugal)、Maria 2、Maria Antonietta、Maria Bagnasco、Maria Domica