Year Published/Registered:1985
Cultivar Type:For Tea
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Meizhan'
Species/Combination:C. sinensis
Chinese Name:梅占
Japanese Name:
大叶梅占 农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 中国茶树优良品种集. pp 8-9 中国茶树品种志编写委员会. 2001. 中国茶树品种志. pp 17-18 杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 中国无性系茶树品种志. pp 11
华茶4号 农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 中国茶树优良品种集. p.8-9
Daye Meizhan also call this name in China.
» English Description
Ministry of Agriculture and Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 1990. Collection on the improved tea varieties in China. p.8-9
Clonal variety. Small arbor type. Medium-leaf size.
Originated in the Sanyo village (Anxi
county, Fujian province). It has been cultivated for more than 100 years. Now
it is mainly distributed in various tea area of Fujian province. It is also
introduced to Guangtong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan. Hubai and Guangxi
province (autonomous region) in small amounts.
Plant rather higher with sparse
branching. Erect shaped with long internodes. Leaves mostly horizontal, Length
width 4.0~4.5cm.
Oblong with gra-dually acuminate tips. Leaves hard and brittle in texture,
inflexed with glabrous surface, deep green in color and glossy. With neat
margin. 9 pairs of vein and sparse serrations. The sprouting period in the
spring season appears in the last ten days of March, The peak period of one bud
and three leaves stage* shoots appears in the second to third ten days of
April. Sparsely sprouting density and vigorous sprouting ability. Shoots green
in color and stout in size, with rather dense hairs. The weight of 100 shoots
with one bud and three leaves averaged 103g. The peak period of flowering stage
appears in the last ten days of October. With low bearing rate. Highly
resistant to drought. High rooting ability and survival rate during cutting
High-yielding. The yield of Oolong tea
in the tea garden of 186 mu in Longjuan village (Anxi county, Fujian province)
averaged 213.3kg per mu. In a large area of 1200 mu tea garden of Yingde Tea
Plantation of Guangdong province, the yield averaged 282.5kg green tea per mu.
According to the analysis conducted by
the Tea Research Institute, Chinese Acadeny of Agricultural Sciences, the
contents of caffeine in the one bud and two leaves shoots averaged 4.44%, amino
acids 3.62%, tea polyphenols 27.46%, total catechins 181.06 mg/g. Suitable to
manufacture the black tea, green tea and Oolong tea. In the tea area of Wuyi
Mountain, the oolong tea prepared with this variety as the raw material has a
dit+inctive style of aroma. The samples of black tea and green tea prepared
with GSCT4 variety as the raw material has a distinctive orchid aroma and full
It is recommended to popularize in the
tea area in the south-of-Yangzte River for the manufacture of oolong, black and
green tea.
To reduce the row spacing, strength the
format pruning and tipping in time are necessary, so as to promote the
branching and widen the canopy. Owing to the weak tenderness-keeping ability of
shoots as well as the thick and long shape of lender stem so plucking in time
and in turn is important.
Alternative name: Daye Meizhan.
» Chinese Description
农业部农业司,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所. 1990. 中国茶树优良品种集. pp 8-9
中国茶树品种志编写委员会. 2001. 中国茶树品种志. pp 17-18
杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 中国无性系茶树品种志. pp 11
【形态特征】 植株较高大,树姿直立,主干较明显,分枝密度中等:叶片呈水平状着生,长椭圆形,叶色深绿,富光泽,叶面平,叶缘平,叶身内折,叶尖渐尖,叶齿较锐浅密,叶质厚脆。花冠直径4.1cm,花瓣5~8瓣,子房茸毛中等,花柱3裂。
【特性】 春季萌发期中偏迟,2010年和2011年在福建福安社口观测,一芽ニ叶初展期分別出现于3月20日和4月5日。芽叶生育力強,发芽较密,持嫩性较强,緑色,茸毛较少,节间长,一芽三叶百芽重103.0g。2010年、2011年在福建福安社口取样,春茶一芽ニ叶含茶多酚16.5%、氨基酸4.1%、咖啡碱3.9%、水浸出物51.7%。产量高,每667㎡产干茶200~300kg。适制乌龙茶、绿茶、红茶。制作红茶,香高似兰花香,味厚;制作炒青绿茶,香气高锐,滋味浓厚;制作乌龙茶,香味独特。抗旱性、抗寒性较强。扦插繁殖力强,成活率高。
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Atago-meigetsu、Bachong Mei、Chūbu-meigetsu、Fukurin-meigetsu、Jinhua Meinü、Kai Mei's Choice、Meibō、Meifan、Meigehong、Meigetsu