International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Otome


Last Updated:2022/8/22 15:34:11 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by Sueo Takano



Year Published/Registered1968

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia rusticana 'Otome'

Chinese Name:小桃红

Japanese Name:乙女椿 おとめつばき



Aki-otome  Wada, 1941, Japanese Garden Treasures, p.28: Synonym for Otome.

Awa-otome  Different reading for ‘Usu-otome’, synonym for Otome.

Badgen's Beauty  Badgen’s Nursery Catalogue, 1895. Synonym for Otome as ‘Pink Pearl’.

Burgdorf Beauty  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Synonym for Otome.

Cantonese Pink  Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978. Orthographic variant for ‘Kwan­tonfen’, synonym for Otome.

32 show +


» English Description

Itō, Ihei, (Late 18th century), Hyakka Tsubaki Nayose Irotsuki; Pale cherry pink, formal double, many petals arranged in order, beautiful colour, medium size. See: Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, Appendix, p.11. Iwasaki, 1828, Honzō Zufu. This flower has many pink petals. Kasuya, Kamegorō, 1859, Tsubaki Irohanayose Irotsuki: Medium size, formal double, pale pink, cup-shaped, blooms mid-winter. See: JCS, 1981, Tsubaki, No.20, p.118 & ibid. 1968, No.7, p.24. Tuyama. 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, p.174; Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.104, p.52, description, p.117: Very common garden camellia, especially in Kantō Dis­trict. Leaves broadly elliptic, densely branched. Petioles a little hairy. Flowers pink (Rose Mad­der 23/3), formal double, keeping a bud centre for a considerable period. Size 6-7 cm across with about 60 petals. Flowers mid-season to late. The name ‘Otome’ has been used in Japan for a group of small to medium sized formal double camellias so that, to prevent ambiguity the names ‘Otome-tsubaki’ and ‘Usu-otome’ have been used as synonyms for this cultivar in Japan. It is also said that the name ‘Otome’ means ‘stop’ in Japanese, implying that it was too beautiful to sell or give away. Synonyms include: ‘Pink Perfection’, ‘Frau Minna Seidel’, ‘Lee E. Markley’, ‘Pink Pearl’, ‘Badgen’s Beauty’, ‘Burgdorf Beauty’, ‘Hime-otome’, ‘Momoiro-otome’, ‘Awa-otome’, ‘Virgin’. Also the names ‘Goishi’ and ‘Otome Pink’ have been erroneously applied to this Camellia. See: JCS., 1972, Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, pl.405, pp.170, 352. Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1979 Senchinshū, pp.29, 205 as ‘Otome-tsubaki’; Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.390 as ‘Otome-tsubaki’; Katei Gatō, ed., 1984, Chabana Koyomi, vol.1, Tsubaki. Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.390 as ‘Otome-tsubaki’; Katei Gatō, ed., 1984, Chabana Koyomi, vol.1, Tsubaki. Amongst its awards are “The William E. Wylam Minia­ture Award” for 1982 and the “National Hall of Fame Award” for 1978 as ‘Pink Perfection’, and the ‘Award of Merit’ by the RHS, 1950 as ‘Pink Pearl’. Chinese synonyms: ‘Fenshi Shimei’, ‘Kwongtungfen’, ‘Kwangtongfen’, ‘Quangchoufen’, ‘Xiaotaohong’, ‘Yuchun’. Note; Chinese Camellia Culture 2003, p.216, and Camellias, Y.C. Shen, 2009, p.190, state that cultivar traces back to the Ming Dynasty.

» Chinese Description

小桃红 Camellia japonica ‘Xiaotaohong张永和等1985《永福茶花9页。(又名;雨春、玛瑙)灌木,主干和分枝灰白色,枝条斜伸。叶呈椭圆形,类似“十八学士”的叶;先端渐尖,基部楔形;叶面亮绿;主侧脉凸起、明哳,背脉平;叶缘锯齿疏浅;茎的叶节间较长;叶柄长0.6厘米。花径7.5厘米,粉红色,薄瓣,盆形花冠。花期:十一月至次年三月。

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第175页。我国华东一带。别名叫‘雨春'、‘宫粉’、‘广东粉’,在日本叫‘乙女’,在西方国家叫‘Pink Perfection’(粉十全十美)。花桃粉红色,具光泽,完全重瓣型,小型花,花瓣60〜90枚,卵圆形,先端圆,排列整齐,隐约可见较深的细脉纹,花量大。叶片浓绿色,椭圆形,中等大小,侧脉清晰,厚质,幼芽绿色,植株开张,生长旺盛。花期早至晚。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.203.

Otome乙女(Maiden)。(C. rusticana)雪茶。1829,日本关东。完全形、淡粉粉红色、脉纹、小轮(67cm)、花瓣约60枚、花期13月、树性直立、长势中等。同种异名:Awa-otome (淡乙女)、Badgen's BeautyBurgdorf BeautyFrau Minna SeidelGongfen (宫粉)、Guangdongfen (广东粉)Lee A. MarkleyMomo-otome (桃乙女)Momoiro-otome (桃色乙女)、Otome-tsubaki (乙女椿)、Pink Pearl (粉珍珠)、Pink Perfection (完人、面红耳赤)、Usu-otome (薄乙女) Xiaotaohong (小桃红)、Yuchun (雨春)

乙女一杨绍溥,1978,台湾茶花,p.80, No.28.

» Japanese Description

 講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.352. 保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.212. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.83.  淡交社.1989《日本の椿花》.p390. 誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.50. 日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》. p.129. 江戸.  淡桃色、千重、中輪、12~4月 []楕円、中形、平坦、葉柄に微毛あり、[]横張り性、弱い。[来歴]ユキツバキ系、1829年の「本草花蒔絵」に載る。 写/桐野、文/編集委員会


Flower Size6-7.5 cm

Blooming Season11-3 Month Japan

