International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Prince Eugene Napoleon

Prince Eugene Napoleon

Last Updated:2024/12/19 10:55:23 By:Armando de Castro Oliveira

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1857

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Prince Eugene Napoleon'

Chinese Name:拿破仑王子

Japanese Name



Comte de Name  Vanderbilt, 1941, Camellia Research, II, p.2. Synonym for Prince Eugene Napoleon.

Count de Name  Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.49. Synonym for Prince Eugene Napoleon.

Floraplena Atrorubens  McIlhenny, 1937, 600 Varieties of Camellias, p.6. Synonym for Prince Eugene Napoleon.

Imbricata Rubra Plena  Hillier Nurseries Catalogue, 1928-1929. Synonym for Prince Eugene Napoleon as 'Pope Pius IX'.

Ladiner's Red  Lindo Nursery Price List, 1940-1941. Orthographic error for ‘Ladinier’s Red’, syn­onym for Prince Eugene Napoleon.

20 show +


» English Description

La Belgique Horticole, Charles Morren ed.,1857, Tome VII,p.174, as  ‘Napoléon-Eugène’, an older writing form. Verschaffelt, 1859, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book VII, pl.I: Originated by M. de Coster, Melle, Belgium. The flowers, larger than average, are formed of small, numerous petals, rounded, even, bilobate at apex and imbricated with rigorous perfection, all of a vivid cherry-red. Leaves light green, ovate, acuminate, 7 cm long x 2 cm wide. Medium compact, upright growth. Blooms mid-season. Griffing’s Nurseries, 1946 Cat., p.6 as Pope Pius, very large with extremely double flower with many small petals of rich crimson color.  See illustration, p.111, Macoboy, 1981, The Colour Dictionary of Camellias. In Australia it has been erroneously known as ‘Venus de Medicis’ since 1871. See pl.II, Waterhouse, 1947, Camellia Quest. In America it was confused and renamed several times - Synonyms: ‘Pope Pius IX’, ‘Rosedale Beauty’, ‘Ladiner’s Red’, ‘Mrs Harry Davis’, ‘Imbricata Rubra Plena’, ‘Queen of Denmark’, ‘Flore Plena Atrorubens’, ‘Rubra Plena Imbricata’, ‘Conte de Name’, ‘Venus de Medicis’. Abbreviations: ‘Prince Napoleon’, ‘Pr. Eugenio Napoleone’. Names of other cultivars erroneously applied: Rubra Plena, Madame Lebois, Carlotta Grisi. Chinese synonym: ‘Popu’, later changed to ‘Bopu’. Note; Collected Papers, ICS Congress, Kurume 2010, p.94; “Characterization and differentiation….; Jose Luis Couselo et al”; Genotyping of the six specimens belonging to Group 2 Prince Eugene Napoleon revealed that they were two different cultivars of C. japonica.

» Chinese Description

高继银、苏玉华、胡羡聪,2007. 《国内外茶花名种识别与欣赏》,第184页。比利时 Coster先生培育,传入美国后被称为‘Pope Pius IX'。花草莓红色,完全重瓣型,中到大型花,花瓣近圆形,覆瓦状排列,瓣面上可见深红色脉纹,花朵稠密。叶片淡绿色,长椭圆形,植株立性,生长中等。花期中。

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.216. Prince Eugene Napoleon 拿破仑王子(C. japonica)红山茶。1859,比利时,M. de Coster。完全形、樱桃红、深色脉纹、花瓣偶有入白筋,中轮(89x33.5cm)、花期12月、树性直 立〜横张、浓密、长势中等。同种异名:Floraplena AtrorubensImbricata Rubra PlenaLadinier's RedMrs Harry DavisPope Pius IX (拿破仑、天主教宗、教皇六世)Prince Napoleon、Pr. Eugenio NapoleoneRubra Plena Imbricata 。 Prince Eugene Napoleon (尤金王子)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p21/28, No.99. Prince Eugene Napoleon (波普)一高继银,1998,世界名贵茶花,p.75, No.3. Prince F. WilliamMark S. Cannon 目录,1962, p.9.'Prince Fredrick William'的缩名。


Flower Size8-9 cm

Blooming Season1-2 Month Belgium
