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Puyou Clone 26

Last Updated:2021/11/18 9:37:29 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2007

Cultivar Type:For Oil

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia oleifera 'Puyou Clone 26 '

Chinese Name:油茶无性系26

Japanese Name



湘S0705-CO2  2007年通过湖南省良种审定的良种证号。

Youcha Wuxingxi 26  Chen Yonzhong,2008. Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, p.48. Another translation for 'Puyou Clone 26'


» English Description

Puyou Clone 26Camellia oleifera.Oil Tea Camellia Superior Germplasm Resources, 2008, editor in chief by Chen Yonzhong, p.48. China Forestry Publishing House, 2016. Oil-tea Camellia Cultivars in China, p.340. Bred by Hunan Academy of Forestry in 1990, passed the identification in 2007 by Hunan Academy of Forestry registration, and listed as national excellent cultivar, the Certification Number: Xiang S0705-co2. Crown rotund, plant vigorous, growth fast, foliage dense. Leaves elliptic, apex acuminate, margins serrate or crenate, 5.0-6.0 cm long, 2.5-3.2 cm wide, glabrous. Flowering usually in early November to late December, white, diameter 5.0-6.5 cm, petals 6-7, obcordate. Fruit mature in late October, spherical or ovate, yellowish green, diameter 30-38 mm, 25-40 among of fruit weighted 500g, loci 2-4. Average 36.33% seed weight in each fresh fruit. The average rate of oil reached 45.43% from the kernel. Average oil yield 617.4 kg/hm2. wide adaptability and strong resistant to anthracnose.

» Chinese Description

油茶无性系26陈永忠主编,2008年,《油茶优良种质资源》第 48 页。【培育单位】湖南省林业科学院,【选育年份】1990,【审定年份】2007,【良种号】S0705-CO2由湖南省林业科学院于1990年选育出来的优良无性系。树势旺盛,分枝力强,抽梢早,树冠自然圆头形;叶椭圆形,先端渐尖,边缘有细锯齿或钝齿,长5.06.0cm,宽2.53.2cm,叶面光滑;湖南通常于11月上中旬至12月下旬开花,花白色,直径5.06.5cm,花瓣倒心形,67瓣;果实成熟期10月下旬,果球形或卵形,青黄色,果径3038mm,每500g果数2540个,心室24个,产油量达617.4kg/hm2,鲜出籽率36.33%,种仁含油率45.43%。果油率5.10%。抗病力强。果青球形,大小33.1/500g,籽大小619/ 500g,鲜果出籽率41.7%,鲜果含油率6.63%,每公顷产油为535.34kg,比参试无性系平均值增产44.8%。油质好,油酸、亚油酸含量达90.18

油茶无性系26 Camellia oleifera Puyou Clone 26. 中国林业出版社, 2016. 《中国油茶品种志》,p.340。【审定编号】湘S0705-CO2【品种类别】无性系【选育单位】湖南省林业科学研究院【选育年份】1990年。


Flower Size

Blooming Season China

