Year Published/Registered:2018
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Shangzhi Yueguangqu'
Species/Combination:C. japonica 'Hakuhan Kujaku' × C. handelii
Chinese Name:上植月光曲
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Shangzhi Yueguangqu (Hakuhan Kujaku× C. handelii). China Regn. #2018-234. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2018, No.4, p.53. Zhang Yali et al., 2018. Microscopic Camellia-A Brief History of the Development of Bunch Camellia, p.127. Parent: C. japonica'HakuhanKujaku' x C.handelii. Origin: Crossed by Zhang Yali of China in 2011, first flowering in 2015. shrubs, open, slightly drooping branches; leaves lanceolate. Flower single form, 4-6 cm indiameter, pink, with pink petals at the edge (68D), light pink in the middle (69A-D), and 5-8 petals. The flowering period in Shanghai is from March to April.
» Chinese Description
上植月光曲Camellia ‘Shangzhi Yueguangqu’ 中国登录号:2018-234,《中国花卉园艺》2018年第4期53页。由张亚利命名,上海植物园的奉树成、张亚利、郭卫珍、李湘鹏、宋壵、莫健彬、周永元培育并登录。2011年用红山茶品种孔雀椿‘HakuhanKujaku’×岳麓连蕊茶(C. handelii)杂交而得,2015 年首次开花,2017年获国家林业局新品种保护权。花芽顶生和腋生,开花稠密,花朵粉红色,单瓣型,微型花,花径4-6cm,花厚度3-4cm,基部与雄蕊相连约5mm,花瓣长1.5-3cm,宽 1.5-2.5cm,花瓣边缘粉色(68D),中部浅粉色(69A-D),花瓣5-8枚。叶片深绿色,中等光亮,披针形,先端长尾尖。灌木,开张,枝条略下垂。花期中,上海地区花期为3-4月。
张亚利等,2018.《微观茶花--束花茶花发展简纪》,127页. 亲本:C.japonica ‘HakuhanKujaku’ x C.handelii. 起源:由中国的张亚利2011杂交培育,2015首次开花,并由奉树成等观察筛选而得。观赏特性:灌木,开张,枝条略下垂;叶披针形。花单瓣型,花径4-6 cm,粉色,花瓣边缘粉色(68D),中部浅粉色(69A-D),花瓣数量5-8枚。上海地区花期3-4月。
Flower Form:Single / Saucer-shape
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 4-6 cm
Blooming Season: 3-4 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Shangzhi Huanlesong、Shangzhi Huazhang、Shangzhi Qiumeigui、Shangzhi Fendaixue、Shangzhi Baoliandeng