Recently, a very good paper was published: 江国彬, 李鹤, 杨焱冰, 徐超然, 郭忠选, 邓伦秀. 贵州金花茶(山茶科)分类订正[J]. 植物研究, 2024, 44(6): 901-913. (Guobin JIANG, He LI, Yanbing YANG, Chaoran XU, Zhongxuan GUO, Lunxiu DENG. Taxonomic Notes on Camellia huana (Theaceae)[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2024, 44(6): 901-913.)
And the results in the paper was updated in the Database of International Camellia Register:
天峨金花茶 Camellia tianeensis S.Ye Liang & Y.T.Luo
贵州金花茶 Camellia huana T.L.Ming & W.J.Zhang