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匹克茶组 Camellia sect. Piquetia (Pierre) Sealy and the Key to the Species

22 February 2025  186 By: wangzhonglang

匹克茶组 Camellia sect. Piquetia (Pierre) Sealy, 1958, Rev. Gen. Camellia: 108. (Sealy, 1958).

Thea sect. Piquetia Pierre, 1887, Fl. For. Conchinchine, II. Sub, pl. 119. (Pierre, 1887).

= Camellia sect. Lecomtia Orel, 2015, Pursuit of Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 154. (Orel & Curry, 2015).

Typus: Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy, 1958, Rev. Gen. Camellia: 108 (Seally, 1958)

 Leaf-blades oblong, narrow elliptic or narrow lanceolate, very large, usually more than 20 cm long; flower axillary or terminal, solitary or 2–5 clustered, pedicellate, nodding; pedicel stout or slender, 1.2–5.5 cm long, thickened upwards; bracteoles 2–4, persistent (except for C. longii and C. proensis); sepals 5, (rarely 3 in C. dongnaiensis and C. campanulata, sepals 6‒7 in C. hiepii), persistent; stamens free above the union with the petals; gynoecium densely hairy; style 5 or more, or 3–4 in C. honbaensis, 4 in C. sonthaiensis, free, or just united at the base; capsule depressed-globose; seeds 1–2 per locule.

 叶片长圆形、狭椭圆形或狭披针形,非常大,通常超过 20 厘米长;花腋生或顶生,单生或 2-5 朵簇生,有花梗,有节;花梗粗壮或纤细,长 1.2-5.5 厘米,向上加厚;小苞片 2-4,宿存(除 C. longii 和 C. proensis 外)。萼片5,(在C. dongnaiensis和C. campanulata中很少为3,在C. hiepii中为萼片6-7),宿存;雄蕊在与花瓣结合处上方离生;雌蕊群密毛;花柱5或更多,或在C. honbaensis中为3-4,在C. sonthaiensis中为4,离生,或在基部刚刚结合;蒴果扁球形;种子1-2粒/室。

From the paper: Roman Vasilyevich Doudkin et al. 2023. An Updated Checklist and Comments for Section Piquetia. DALAT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Volume 13, Issue 2, 2023 93-108

(1) C. annamensis        (2) C. campanulata      (3) C. cattienensis (4) C. dalatensis      (5) C. dongnaiensis      (6) C. hiepii    (7) C. honbaensis (8) C. langbianensis       (9) C. longii   (10) C. phuongchiana (11) C. piquetiana        (12) C. proensis    (13) C. sonthaiensis     (14) C. sphamii     (15) C. vidalii

A key to the species of Camellia section Piquetia worldwide

1a. Ovary 3(–4)-locular


1b. Ovary 5-locular or more


2a. Style united at the base, flower red to purplish red

(7) C. honbaensis

2b. Style free to the base, flower light yellow

 (13) C. sonthaiensis

3a. Flower shape campanulate


3b. Flower shape cyanthiform, never campanulate


4a. Style united at the base


4b. Style free to the base


5a. Flower pink, red, purple


5b. Flower light yellow, or yellow with pink pigmentation on edges


6a. Petals 8; leaf base auriculate

(3) C. cattienensis

6b. Petals 5–6; leaf base obtuse to rounded

(9) C. longii

7a. Sepals 5; petals 20–22

(1) C. annamensis

7b. Sepals 3; petals 6

(2) C. campanulata

8a. Young branches pubescent


8b. Young branches glabrous.

(11) C. piquetiana

9a. Petals light yellow only


9b. Petals yellow with pink pigmentation on edges


10a. Leaf base subcordate or cordate

(6) C. hiepii

10b. Leaf base broadly acute or obtuse

(10) C. phuongchiana

11a. Young branches pubescent

(4) C. dalatensis

11b. Young branches glabrous


12a. Young branches pubescent; sepals 5–6


12b. Young branches glabrous; sepals 3

(5) C. dongnaiensis

13a. Leaf base rounded or acute

(12) C. proensis

13b. Leaf base cordate

(14) C. sphamii

14a. Sepals and petals pubescent or tomentose on both sides

(8) C. langbianensis

14b. Sepals and petals glabrous inside

(15) C. vidalii

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