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A checklist of the species of Camellia section Piquetia worldwide

25 February 2025  241 By: wangzhonglang

A checklist of the species of Camellia section Piquetia worldwide


From: Roman Vasilyevich Doudkin et al. 2023. An Updated Checklist and Comments for Section Piquetia. DALAT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Volume 13, Issue 2, 2023 93-108

(1) C. annamensis        (2) C. campanulata      (3) C. cattienensis (4) C. dalatensis      (5) C. dongnaiensis      (6) C. hiepii    (7) C. honbaensis (8) C. langbianensis       (9) C. longii   (10) C. phuongchiana (11) C. piquetiana        (12) C. proensis    (13) C. sonthaiensis     (14) C. sphamii     (15) C. vidalii 

1. Camellia annamensis N. S. Ly, V. D. Luong, N. D. Do, T. H. Le & T. L. Nguyen, 2022, Taiwania 67(2): 244, figs. 1, 2. (Ly et al., 2022).

Type: [Vietnam]. Nghe An Prov., Que Phong Dist., Dong Van Commune, Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, at elevation of 100 m, 15 Jan. 2019, Do Ngoc Dai et al., DLHH-1028 (holotype DLU; isotypes P, VNM). Specimens examined: Do Ngoc Dai et al., DLHH-1028 (DLU, P, VNM); Do Ngoc Dai & Nguyen Danh Hung, DH 732 (VNM, DLU); Nguyen Thi Lieu et al., VN 0373 (DLU).

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia annamensis was found at an elevation of 100 m in the Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Dong Van Commune, Que Phong Dist., Nghe An Prov., and at an elevation of 497 m in the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve, Yen Nhan Commune, Thuong Xuan Dist., Thanh Hoa Prov. This species grows on hill slopes and along streams in less-disturbed secondary forests.

Conservation status: This species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN, 2019; Ly et al., 2022).

Note: According to Ly et al. (2022), C. annamensis was placed under sect.Piquetia. This species is most similar to C. longii Orel & Luu in the characters of general vegetative habit and the shape and color of sepals, petals, and stamens. It is easily distinguishable from C. longii by its mature leaves sparsely appressed puberulous abaxially, petioles sparsely appressed puberulous (vs. glabrous), sepals 5 (vs. 2–3), and petals 20‒22 (vs. 5‒6). Camellia annamensis is also similar to C. dalatensis, C. sonthaiensis, and C. proensis but is easily distinguished from them by having red flowers (vs. light-yellow flowers in the other three species).

2. Camellia campanulata Orel, Curry & Luu, 2015, Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 154. (Orel & Curry, 2015).

Type [Vietnam]. Binh Phuoc Prov., about 1.0 km from the Cambodian border, July 2011, Luu Hong Truong, Nguyen Quoc Dat, G. Orel & A. S. Curry, 1257 (holotype VNM; isotype NSW).  Specimens examined: Quach Van Hoi, Q201119 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia campanulata was found at an elevation of 327 m in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Bu Gia Map National Park in Binh Phuoc Prov.  

Conservation status: Camellia campanulata is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) (Orel & Curry, 2015).  

Note: Camellia campanulata was first recorded in the list of unpublished species (Orel & Curry, 2015), but it is an accepted name in Plants of the World Online. Orel and Curry (2015) established Camellia sect. Lecomtia Orel with only one species, C. campanulata. However, C. campanulata should be placed under sect. Piquetia because it possesses the following characteristics: leaf blades very large, 30–38 cm long, 7.5–9 cm wide; flower axillary or terminal, solitary, pedicellate, nodding; bracteoles 3–4, persistent; petals 6; stamens free; gynoecium densely hairy; style 5-(or 6-)lobed, free to base. In particular, C. campanulata is closest to C. longii (in sect. Piquetia) in having young branches glabrous; leaf blade narrowly elliptic, 27–38 cm long and 7.5–12.5 cm wide, apex acute, base obtuse; mature flower campanulate, axillary or terminal, solitary; petals 5–6, concave; filaments glabrous, outer parts united with the petals and one another, 3–5 cm long; style 5(–6); and ovary 5-locular.

 3 Camellia cattienensis Orel, 2012, Kew Bull. 66(4): 566; Orel & Curry, 2015, Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 88. (Orel & Curry, 2015; Orel & Wilson, 2012).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., Cat Tien National Park, 19 Dec. 2007, G. Orel et al., 0711 (holotype NSW; isotypes HN, NSW).  Specimens examined: G. Orel et al., 0711 (HN).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia cattienensis was found in low light and humid conditions on poor nutrient soils in evergreen broad-leaved forests in Cat Tien National Park, Cat Tien Dist., Lam Dong Prov.  

Conservation status: Camellia cattienensis was discovered in Cat Tien National Park (Orel & Wilson, 2012). The number of individuals is unknown. This species is provisionally assessed as Data Deficient (DD) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN, 2019; Orel & Wilson, 2012).  

Note: Camellia cattienensis possesses a number of morphological characteristics common to sect. Piquetia, such as leaf blades large, 35–36 cm long and 8.5–9 cm wide; flowers pedicellate, solitary; pedicel thickened upwards; petals 8; stamens free above and basally united with the petals; gynoecium tomentose; style 5 (Sealy, 1958). Among the species in Piquetia, C. cattienensis resembles C. longii by possessing the morphological characteristics of young branches glabrous; leaf blades oblong to narrowly elliptic, very large, 27–36 cm long and 6–10.5 cm wide; flowers peduncle, campanulate, solitary; filaments glabrous, outer filaments united with the petals and one another; style 5, fused at the base; ovary 5-locular. This study proposes the placement of this species in the sect.Piquetia to be appropriate.

 4 Camellia dalatensis Luong, Tran & Hakoda, 2012, Int. Camellia J. 44: 161; Tran & Luong, 2012, VNU J. Sci. Nat. Sci. Technol. 28(2S): 35; Le, 2016, in: Li J-Y., Proc. Dali Int. Camellia Cong. Dali-Yunnan-China: 87, fig. 3; Beech et al., 2017, The Red List of Theaceae: 24. (Beech et al., 2017; Le, 2016; Ninh et al., 2012 ; Tran & Luong, 2012).  

Type [Vietnam]. Dalat Plateau, evergreen forest at an elevation of 1300 m, 8 Mar. 2012, Ninh & Dung, 120301 (holotype and isotype HNU).  Specimens examined: Ninh & Dung 120301 (HNU), HN 22/7/2008 (DLU), HN 17/1/2014 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia dalatensis was collected from an elevation of 1300 m in a valley of mixed evergreen broad-leaved and needle-leaved forest in Xuan Truong Commune, Dalat, Lam Dong Prov.  

Conservation status: This species was assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) by Beech et al. (2017).  

Note: According to Ninh et al. (2012), this species resembles Camellia vidalii Rosmann, but it differs in having densely hairy young branches, an abaxial surface of the lamina, and light-yellow petals.

 5 Camellia dongnaiensis Orel, 2006, Novon 16: 244, fig. 1; Orel & Curry, 2015, Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 72; Nguyen, 2017, Fl. Vietnam: 163, fig. 65; Beech et al., 2017, The Red List of Theaceae: 25. (Beech et al., 2017; Nguyen, 2017; Orel, 2006; Orel & Curry, 2015)  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., unnamed tributary upstream of Dong Nai River, 17 Jan. 2004, G. Orel et al., 21148 (holotype NSW; isotypes NSW, HN).  Specimens examined: G. Orel et al., 21148 (HN).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). This species was found along the Dong Nai River on the Dalat Plateau in Lam Dong Prov., southern Vietnam.  

Conservation status: Camellia dongnaiensis is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) by Beech et al. (2017).

Note: Camellia dongnaiensis resembles C. vidalii in having leaf blades narrowly obovate, 35–44 cm long, both surfaces glabrous; flowers axillary, 4–7.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 2.5–4.5 cm long, glabrous; petals 8–10, oval or pentagonal; ovary 5(or 6); style free, 5–6.

 6 Camellia hiepii V. S. Dang, Vuong, V. C. Nguyen & V. D. Luong, 2023, Kew Bull., in prep. (Nguyen et al., 2023).  

Type [Vietnam]. Dak Lak Prov., M’Drak Dist., Mt. Chu Mu, at elevations of 500 to 800 m, 20 Dec. 2020, Nguyen Van Canh et al., DLU201220 (holotype and isotype DLU), DLU210506 (paratype DLU).  Specimens examined: Nguyen Van Canh et al., DLU201220, DLU210506 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia hiepii was discovered in evergreen broadleaf forests on Mt. Chu Mu, M’Drak Dist., Dak Lak Prov., Central Highlands.  

Conservation status: More than 200 mature individuals of C. hiepii are distributed over an area of about 300 ha. However, the habitat of this species is being affected by human activities. This species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN, 2019).  

Note: The validity of Camellia hiepii as a new species is now under review. The characteristics of C. hiepii are leaf blades oblong, 22‒60 cm long, 8‒18 cm wide; flower solitary, axillary, pedicellate, nodding; bracteoles 2, persistent; sepals 6‒7, persistent; petals 11‒12, 2-whorled, inner petals united with outermost filaments; gynoecium superior; ovary 5‒6(‒8)-locular, tomentose; styles 5‒6(‒8) free, which indicate that C. hiepii is classified into sect. Piquetia. It is easily distinguishable from C. dalatensis, C. dongnaiensis, C. langbianensis, C. proensis, C. sonthaiensis, and C. piquetiana by having red flowers (vs. yellow or orange flowers in the first four species and vs. purplish flowers in C. piquetiana) and from C. honbaensis by its gynoecium 5‒6(7‒8)-locular (vs. 3-locular).

7 Camellia honbaensis Luu, Q. D. Nguyen & G. Tran, 2018, Academia Journal of Biology 40(4): 23, fig. 1. (Luu et al., 2018).  

Type [Vietnam]. Khanh Hoa Prov., Hon Ba Nature Reserve, 12°06'41"N, 108°58'51"E at an elevation of 650 m, 22 Jan. 2015, Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi Luu, 1101 (holotype SGN, isotypes SGN, VNMN); ibid., 8 April 2013, Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi, KH1140 (paratype SGN); ibid., 24 Mar. 2014, Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi, KH1140b (paratype SGN).  Specimens examined: Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi Luu, 1101 (VNMN); Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi, KH1140 (SGN); Luu Hong Truong & Tran Gioi, KH1140b (SGN).

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). This species was found at an elevation of 650 m in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Hon Ba Nature Reserve and at Khanh Vinh Pass, Khanh Vinh Dist., Khanh Hoa Prov., Central Vietnam.  

Conservation status: Only two populations are known in and around the Hon Ba Nature Reserve. The number of individuals and their status assessment is not known. This species is provisionally assessed as Data Deficient (DD) (IUCN, 2019).  

Note: Camellia honbaensis is similar to C. dongnaiensis and C. piquetiana but differs in having style 3‒4, connate at basal 1/5‒1/3 part (vs. 5‒6, free). In addition, it differs from C. dongnaiensis in having red flowers (vs. graduated yellow-apricot to intensely pink petals).

 8 Camellia langbianensis (Gagnep.) Phamhoang, 1991, Cayco Vietnam 1(1): 537; Pham-Hoang, 1999, An Illust. Fl. Vietnam V1: 432, fig. 1743; Ban, 2003, Checkl. Pl. Spec. Vietnam V2: 347; Nguyen, 2017, Fl. Vietnam: 271, fig. 111; Zhao et al., 2017, Phytotaxa 292(2): 173; Zhao, 2019, Phytotaxa 419(1): 103; Quach et al., 2021b, Phytotaxa 480(1): 86, figs. 1, 2. (Ban, 2003; Nguyen, 2017; Pham-Hoang, 1991; PhamHoang, 1999; Quach et al., 2021b; Zhao et al., 2017; Zhao, 2019). ≡ Dankia langbianensis Gagnepain, 1939, Notul. Syst.(Paris) 8:131; Gagnep., 1943, in Lecomte, Suppl. Fl. Indo-Chine 1:198-199 (Gagnepain, 1939, 1943).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., between B.-dle and Dankia Commune, Mt. Langbiang at elevations of 1200 to 1300 m, 26 Oct. 1930, Poilane, 18648 [lectotype P designated by Zhao et al. (2017, p. 173), isolectotypes K, L, P].  Specimens examined: Poilane, 18648 (P), 23790 (P), 24105 (P); L. V. Dung et al. DL.170201, DL19010, DL190401 (DLU); L. Averyanov et al., VH 3561 (HN).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia langbianensis occurs only in Lam Dong and Ninh Thuan provinces. It grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests at elevations of 1100 to 1300 m.  

Conservation status: This species is known from three populations in Lam Dong and Ninh Thuan provinces, and the total number of mature individuals is estimated at fewer than 200. It is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) (Quach et al., 2021b).  

Note: Camellia langbianensis was first published as Dankia langbianensis in the monotypic genus Dankia by Gagnepain (1939) who placed D. langbianensis as a member of the family Bixaceae. Pham-Hoang (1991) merged Dankia with Camellia. The descriptions of the flowers and fruit of Dankia are consistent with those of Camellia in having 5 sepals, numerous stamens, a capsule dehiscent with 5 valves, and a central placenta. Later, Zhao (2019) reduced C. vidalii to a synonym of C. langbianensis. However, it differs from C. vidalii in some morphological characters, such as pedicel sparsely pubescent (vs. glabrous), pubescent on both sides (vs. outside sparsely pubescent, inside glabrous), and filament pubescent basally (vs. glabrous). Quach et al. (2021b) treated C. langbianensis as a member of the sect. Piquetia, and we follow their treatment.

 9 Camellia longii Orel & Luu, 2014, Nordic J. Bot. 32(1): 46; Orel & Curry, 2015, Pursuit Hidden Camellias Vietnam China: 113; Beech et al., 2017, The Red List of Theaceae: 27. (Beech et al., 2017; Orel & Curry, 2015; Orel et al., 2014).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., Cat Tien National Park, 10 Sep. 2009, Vu Ngoc Long, CT4 (holotype VNM, isotypes NSW, VNM).  Specimens examined: Vu Ngoc Long, CT4 (VNM); Quach Van Hoi, Q201119; Nong Van Duy, TN3/735 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). This species was found in the understory of an evergreen broad-leaved forest and a mixed broad-leaved and bamboo forest. It is distributed in Cat Tien National Park in Phuoc Cat Commune, Cat Tien District, Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam.  

Conservation status: Camellia longii is assessed as Endangered (EN) (Beech et al., 2017).  

Note: Camelllia longii resembles C. cattienensis and C. campanulata in many morphological characteristics, such as large leaves; large red flowers; style 5, free to the base; filaments glabrous. These three species may be conspecific, but further studies based on more collections and phylogenetic analysis are needed to reach a conclusion.

 10 Camellia phuongchiana Curry, V. H. Quach, T. T. Hoang & Q. C. Truong, 2022, Brittonia 74: 339, figs. 1, 2. (Quach et al., 2022b).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Province, Di Linh District, Gung Re Commune, mixed evergreen broadleaf-bamboo forest, elevation 890–950 m, 14 March, 2021. Quach Van Hoi & Hoang Thanh Truong, VTN1705 (holotype and isotype DLU).  Specimens examined: Quach Van Hoi, Hoang Thanh Truong, VTN1705, Q210314 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia phuongchiana is known only from the type locality, where it is scattered along a stream and among rocks under the canopy of a mixed evergreen broadleaf-bamboo forest at elevations of 890 to 950 m.  

Conservation status: The total number of mature individuals of the species is considered to be fewer than 30, and all are distributed in an area less than 1 km2 (Quach et al., 2022b). It can be provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) according to IUCN categories and criteria (IUCN, 2019).

Note: Camellia phuongchiana belongs to sect. Piquetia by possessing the following characteristics: flowers borne in the axils of the leaves, solitary or 2(–3)- clustered, pedicellate, nodding; bracteoles 2–3, persistent; sepals 5, persistent; petals 8 or more; stamens free above the union with the petals; gynoecium densely hairy; and style 5, free. Morphologically, C. phuongchiana is close to C. piquetiana in sharing with it the characteristics of leaf blades oblong; petals densely pubescent on both surfaces; stamens shorter than styles; and ovaries with 5 locules. However, it differs from C. piquetiana in having a smaller leaf blade (20–)24–32(–35) cm long, 6–8 cm wide (vs. 29–42 cm long, 9.5–12.5 cm wide in C. piquetiana); petioles 1.8–2 cm long (vs. 0.8–1.0 cm long); pedicels (3.5–)4–5(–5.5) cm long (vs. 0.8–1.1 cm long); and petals 10–11, densely pubescent on both surfaces (vs. 8 or more, pubescent only on the back) (Quach et al., 2022b).

 11 Camellia piquetiana (Pierre) Sealy, 1958, Rev. Gen. Camellia: 108, fig. 52; Pham-Hoang, 1999, An Illust. Fl. Vietnam V1: 425, fig. 1716; Richard et al., 2003, Int. Camellia J. 35: 54; Ban, 2003, Checkl. Pl. Spec. Vietnam V2: 349; Nguyen, 2017, Fl. Vietnam: 165, fig. 66; Beech et al., 2017, The Red List of Theaceae: 30; Zhao et al., 2018, Phytotaxa 351(1): 94. (Ban, 2003; Beech et al., 2017; Nguyen, 2017; Pham-Hoang, 1999; Richards et al., 2003; Sealy, 1958; Zhao et al., 2018). ≡ Thea piquetiana Pierre, 1887, Fl. Forest. Cochinch. 8:t.119; Gagnep., 1943, in Lecomte, Suppl. Fl. Indo-Chine 1:320 (Gagnepain, 1943; Pierre, 1887).  

Type [Vietnam]. Dong Nai Province near Chiao Xhan in Bien Hoa Province, March 1877, L. Pierre, 1708 (holotype P, isotype K).  Specimens examined: Pierre, 1708 (P, K); Quach Van Hoi, Q210403 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). C. piquetiana was found in an evergreen broad-leaved forest near Dong Nai River, Loc Bac Commune, Bao Lam Dist., Lam Dong Prov.; Deo Chuoi Pass, Madagui Town, Da Huoai Dist., Lam Dong Prov.; Di Linh Dist., Lam Dong Prov.; and Dong Nai Prov., southern Vietnam.  

Conservation status: Camellia piquetiana is listed as Critically Endangered (CR) (Beech et al., 2017).  

Note: Camellia piquetiana was described by Pierre in 1887 as a species of Thea, and Sealy transferred it to the genus Camellia in 1958. It is the type species of sect. Piquetia endemic to Vietnam. This species is distinctly characterized among sect. Piquetia species by purplish petals.

 12 Camellia proensis V. D. Luong, Doudkin & V. H. Quach, 2021, Phytotaxa 479(1): 137, figs. 1, 2. (Quach et al., 2021c).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., Don Duong Dist., Pro Commune, at elevations of 800 to 1100 m, 8 Mar. 2015, Quach Van Hoi & Luong Van Dung, DUNG.150301 (holotype and isotypes DLU).  Specimens examined: Quach Van Hoi & Luong Van Dung, DUNG.150301 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia proensis was found in Pro Commune, Don Duong District, and Ta Nang Commune, Duc Trong District, both in Lam Dong Province. This species is distributed at elevations between 800 and 1100 m along the sides of streams in evergreen broad-leaved forests.  

Conservation status: Several field investigations were carried out, but only two populations of C. proensis are known in Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam. About 100 mature individuals remain, and the habitat quality and area are declining due to deforestation. This species is assessed as Endangered (EN) here.  

Note: Camellia proensis is distinguishable from C. dongnaiensis, C. honbaensis,

 13 Camellia sonthaiensis Luu, V. D. Luong, Q. D. Nguyen & T. Q. T. Nguyen, 2015, Ann. Bot. Fennici 52: 289; Le, 2016 in Li J-Y., Proc. Dali Int. Camellia Cong. DaliYunnan-China: 89; Nguyen, 2017, Fl. Vietnam: 184. (Nguyen, 2017; Le, 2016; Luu et al., 2015).  

Type [Vietnam]. Khanh Hoa Prov., Khanh Vinh Dist., Son Thai Commune, 12°13'09"N, 108°44'46"E, at an elevation of 900 m, 14 Apr. 2013, Luong Van Dung, DL 13.04.01 (holotype DLU; isotypes DLU, SGN), DL 13.04.02, DL 13.04.03, DL 13.04.04 (paratypes all DLU, SGN).  Specimens examined: Luong Van Dung, DL 13.04.01, DL 13.04.02, DL 13.04.03, DL 13.04.04 (DLU); Quach Van Hoi, Q201102 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia sonthaiensis was found in an evergreen broad-leaved forest on humid fertile soils along a mountain stream at Khanh Vinh Pass, Son Thai Commune, Khanh Vinh Dist., Khanh Hoa Prov.  

Conservation status: Only two populations of C. sonthaiensis are known from Khanh Vinh Dist., Khanh Hoa Prov. The status of C. sonthaiensis should be provisionally assessed as Data Deficient (DD) according to the IUCN categories and criteria (IUCN, 2019).  

Note: Camellia sonthaiensis is distinctly characterized by its narrowly lanceolate leaves and usually 4-locular ovary with 4 styles. It was placed in sect. Piquetia due to possessing 1–3 flowers borne on short shoots in the axils of the leaves, which are pedicellate and nodding, 2–3 persistent bracteoles, 5 persistent sepals, stamens free above the union with petals, and a densely hairy ovary.

 14 Camellia sphamii Q. C. Truong & V. S. Le, 2022, Dalat Uni. J. Sci. 12(3): 11, figs. 1, 2. (Truong et al., 2022)

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., Don Duong Dist., D’ran Town, Hamasin Village, evergreen broadleaf forests at elevations of 1300 to 1500 m, 28 Jan. 2021, Truong Quang Cuong, Le Van Son & Luong Van Dung, DL212801 (holotype DLU; isotypes DLU, VTN).  Specimens examined: Truong Quang Cuong, Le Van Son & Luong Van Dung, DL212801 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). Camellia sphamii was found in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in Hamasin Village, D’ran Town, Don Duong Dist., Lam Dong Prov., southern Vietnam.  

Conservation status: Camellia sphamii was found in only one population with fewer than 200 mature individuals in an area of 2 ha. It is assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) (Truong et al., 2022).  

Note: Camellia sphamii was placed in sect. Piquetia due to possessing many morphological characteristics of the section. This species most closely resembles C. dalatensis and C. proensis, but it differs from C. dalatensis by having young branches and leaves glabrous (vs. hairy in C. dalatensis) and from C. proensis by having leaf blades cordate at the base (vs. rounded or acute at the base in C. proensis).

15 Camellia vidalii Rosmann, 1999, Adansonia III, 21(2): 319; Rosmann, 2000, Int. Camellia J. 32: 66; Nguyen, 2017, Fl. Vietnam: 171, fig. 68; Zhao, 2019, Phytotaxa 419(1): 103; Quach et al., 2021, Phytotaxa 480(1): 90. (Nguyen, 2017; Quach et al., 2021b; Rosmann, 1999, 2000; Zhao, 2019).  

Type [Vietnam]. Lam Dong Prov., Bao Loc City, between Bien Hoa and Dalat at an elevation of 875 m, 8 Dec. 1998, Rosmann, Caurier & Luc, 981 (holotype P); ibid., Rosmann, Caurier & Luc, 982, 983, 985, 986 (paratypes all P).  Specimens examined: Rosmann, Caurier & Luc, 981, 982, 983, 985, 986 (P); Quach Van Hoi Q210502 (DLU).  

Distribution and ecology: VIETNAM (endemic). This species was found on a mountainside in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in B’Lao Commune, Bao Loc City, Lam Dong Prov.  

Conservation status: The current status of this species has not yet been assessed. The total population of this species was observed to be fewer than 200 individuals in its type locality.  

Note: Rosmann described Camellia vidalii in 1999 (Rosmann, 1999). He placed C. vidalii in section Thea. Afterwards, Nguyen (2017) placed C. vidalii in sect. Archecamellia. Morphologically, C. vidalii possesses a number of characteristics common to sect. Piquetia, such as large leaf blades 35–40 cm long and 6–8 cm wide; flowers pedicellate, nodding, borne in the axils of the leaves; bracteoles 2–3, persistent; sepals 5; petals 9–10; and style 5 (or 6), free to the base. The characteristic of nodding flower is not found in section Archecamellia. In particular, C. vidalii is closest to C. langbianensis, and Zhao (2019) suggested that C. vidalii is a synonym of C. langbianensis. It differs from C. langbianensis in having a glabrous pedicel (vs. sparsely pubescent), bracteoles outside sparsely pubescent and inside glabrous (vs. both sides pubescent), sepals outside pubescent only at apex and inside glabrous (vs. both sides pubescent), and glabrous filaments (vs. pubescent near base). Quach et al. (2021b) suggested placing C. langbianensis in section Piquetia as well as C. vidalii, which is most similar to C. langbianensis. Therefore, this study places C. vidalii in section Piquetia, as appropriate.

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