On 15 and 16 Octbober 2021, our host server and four photo servers had been repeatedly attacked, and caused the visit to the International Camellia Register (https://camellia.iflora.cn/) appearing some problems, especially the photo servers. Within a day our contact page https://camellia.iflora.cn/Home/Contact was also repeatedly filled and was automaticall sent hundreds and thoundsands of mail to icr@mail.kib.ac.cn . Now all the existing problems had been solved, so the visit to the ICR is normal again. If you meet any problem on visiting ICR, please leave your message to the contact page.
We are planning to set up a new server in Beijing as a mirror site to Kunming servers. Then the visit will be much faster and stable. Once we finish to set up a mirror site, we will announce here.
when visiting the page, photos could not be displayed, as the photo's servers were attacked. Reported kindly by Prof. G. Motta