International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Dr. Gary Carroll

Dr. Gary Carroll

Last Updated:2023/5/29 14:13:40 By:wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1981

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Dr. Gary Carroll'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



» English Description

American Camellia Yearbook, 1981, p.97, Reg. No.1714: A medium size, dark red, semi-double to peony form C.japonica chance seedling that flowers mid-season, origi­nated by Ferol and Sam Zerkowsky, Tammia Nursery, Slidell, Louisiana, USA. The 10 year old seedling first flowered 1980. Average flower size 10 cm across by 7 cm deep with 40 petals, yel­low anthers and red filaments. Plant growth upright, medium in rate with dark green leaves, 8.5 cm long x 2.5 cm wide. See colour plate front cover ACS, 1986, The Camellia Journal, vol.40, No.4. The registration was repeated in 1985, American Camellia Yearbook, p.182 with minor vari­ations.


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season United States