Year Published/Registered:2023
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia japonica ‘Fenyuzhuo’
Species/Combination:C. japonica
Chinese Name:粉玉镯
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Pink Jade Bracelet
Fenyuzhuo Fenyuzhuo (C. japonica) Liu Xinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that Bloom Year-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.524.
» English Description
Fenyuzhuo (C. japonica) Liu Xinkai et al. 2023, Illustrations of the New Camellia Hybrids that Bloom Year-round, Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, p.524. HD-10-4.A chance seedling ML-No.37 selected from C. japonica cultivar 'Tama Beauty'. Flowers pink with faint white borders at petal edges, semi-double form, medium size, 8.5-9.0cm across and 4.0cm deep with 18 petals arranged in 2-3 rows, petals broad obovate, slightly wavy, stamens united at the base, bloom dense. Leaves green, leathery, long elliptic, margins sharply and densely serrate. Plant spread, branches soft and growth vigorous. Blooms from late-winter to the spring of following year. The cultivar name means “Pink Jade Bracelet”.
» Chinese Description
粉玉镯 Camellia japonica ‘Fenyuzhuo’ 。刘信凯、钟乃盛、柯欢、武艳芳主编,2023,《第二部四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》,浙江科学技术出版社,第524页。 HD-10-4.其编号接续上一个品种。本品种选自红山茶品种‘媚丽’的机遇苗ML-No.37。花朵粉红色,边缘具模糊的窄白边,半重瓣型,中型花,花径8.5-9.0cm,花朵厚4.0cm,花瓣18枚,呈2-3轮排列,阔倒卵形,略波浪状,雄蕊基部连生,开花稠密。叶片绿色,革质,椭圆形,边缘叶齿尖密。植株开张,枝条软,生长旺盛。冬末至翌年春季开花。
Flower Form:Semi-double / Standard
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 8.5-9 cm
Blooming Season: 12-3 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Fenyu、Fenyulan、Chuizhi Fenyu、Fenyu (Shanghai)、Jinye Fenyu、Fenyu Taige、Fenyuanchun、Fenyulu