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Home/ Cultivars/ Middlemist's Red

Middlemist's Red

Last Updated:2022/3/22 9:24:34 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1812

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Middlemist's Red'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Carnea  Loddiges Catalogue, 1818, pt.11, p.13. This name has been used for Middlemist’s Red and, invalidly, as a synonym for Incarnata. It is regarded as a synonym for Middlemist’s Red.

Carnea (Palmer)  Trillon, Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.4. Orthographic error for ‘Carnea’, synoym for Middlemist’s Red.

Carnea Middlemist  Bosse, 1840, Handbuch Blumengartnerei, p.446. Synonym for Middlemist’s Red.

Carnea Nova  Jacob Makoy, 1830, Catalogue, p.6. Courtois, 1833, Magazin d’Horticulture, 1 [pt.D]:293.Synonym for ‘Rosacea’.

Carnea Rosea  L.L.Liebig, 1839, Verzeichnis von Warmen und Kalten Hauspflanzen…, p.9. Mertens & Fontaine Catalogue, 1845, p.106, pl-p.109.Synonym for Middlemist’s Red.

25 show +


» English Description

Aiton, 1812, Hortus Kewensis, vol.4, p.235: Flowers late opening, rich rose-red colour. Similar to the semi-double red, but they measure 8 cm. across. The outer petals are round-cordate and more than 2.5 cm in diameter; before the flower fully opens they are concave and arranged in circles over one another. The centre petals are short, roundish, a little twisted and marked with deeper veining; all of them, more or less, have a small, white stripe in the centre. The stamens are often transformed into small petals so that the flower resembles an overblown rose. This camellia was imported from China in 1804 as, according to Chandler, Middlemist brought it to Kew that year. The first listing of a name for this cultivar was ‘Carnea Plena’ in Loddiges Catalogue, 1811. However as the name ‘Carnea’ was being applied as a synonym for other cultivars and as Middlemist’s Red had become generally applied, this latter name is let stand. It received many variations of its name in the early history of camellias in England. They include: ‘Middlemist’, ‘Middlemist’s’, ‘Middlemist’s Blush’, ‘Middlemist’s Camellia’, ‘Middlemist’s Paeoniiflora’, ‘Middlemist’s Rosea’, ‘The Rose’, ‘The Pink’, ‘The Fawn’, ‘Coloured’, ‘Paeony Flowered’, ‘Middlemist’s Flesh Colour’, ‘Rosacea’, ‘Rose Coloured Camellia’, ‘Double Pink’, ‘Carnea’, ‘Carneo Plena’, ‘Flore Carneo Plena’, ‘Flore Pleno Carnea’, ‘Rosea’, ‘Middlemist Japan Rose’, ‘Carnea Middlemist’. Illustrated in Curtis, 1814, Botanical Magazine, vol.40, pl.1654; Curtis, 1819, Monograph on the Genus Camellia, pl.4; Edwards, 1815, The Botanical Register, vol.1, pl.22.


Flower Size

Blooming Season China

