International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Teresa Massini

Teresa Massini

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1852

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Teresa Massini'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Teresa Masini  Medici Spada, 1858, Catalogo nel Giardino a Villa Quiete, p.8. Orthographic error for Teresa Massini.

Teresa Mazzini  Prudente Besson Catalogue, 1871. Orthographic error for Teresa Massini.

Teresa Mossini  SCCS., 1946, Camellias, p.14. Orthographic error for Teresa Massini.

Theresa Massina  McIlhenny, 1937, 600 Varieties of Camellias. Orthographic error for Teresa Massini.

Theresa Massini  Leguay, Jan. 1853. Revue Horticole; Verschaffelt, 1855. Nouvelle Iconographie. Book I, pl.IV: Originated from seed in Florence, Italy. A perfection from the imbrication and the strict geometric form of the petals, which are small and numerous and have different outlines and emargination and recall the scales of a butterfly’s wing. General colouring is a delicate pink deepening to crimson at the centre. Orthographic variant for Teresa Massini.

3 show +


» English Description

Fratelli Rovelli Catalogue, 1852, p.27: Large size, double with perfectly imbricated petals, evenly transpar­ent, delicate pink, centre striped white. Franchetti, 1855, Collezione di Camelie, p.59: Full double, thin, transparent petals, imbricated, cup-shaped, pale pink, lightly striped white. See: Ver­schaffelt, 1855, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book I pl.IV. Orthographic variants ‘Theresa Massini’, ‘Thereza Massini’, ‘Teresa Mazzini’. Orthographic errors: ‘Tresa Mossini’, ‘Theresa Massina’, ‘Theresa Mossine’, ‘Theresa Massive’, ‘Teresa Masini’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season Italy