International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Tricolor Plena

Tricolor Plena

Last Updated:2019/4/10 9:11:17 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1844

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Tricolor Plena'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Tricolor Flora Plena  Cremorne Nursery Catalogue, 1900, p.31. Synonym for Tricolor Plena.

Tricolor flore-pleno  A.J., Camellia Culture, 1866, Gardeners’ Chronicle, 3284:76. Synonym for Tricolor Plena.

Tricolor Imbricata Nova  Prudente Besson Catalogue, 1871-1872. Synonym for Tricolor Plena.

Tricolor Pleno  Auguste van Geert, 1861, Catalogue, No.50, p.36. Orthographic variant for Tricolor Plena.

Tricolor Sieboldii Imbricata  Mercatelli Catalogue, 1881. Synonym for Tricolor Plena.

1 show +


» English Description

Gheldorf, Const., 1844, Catalogue of Plants and Price List, p.14: Double peony form, blush white. Costa, 1846, Catalogue de la Collection de camellias présentée à sa majesté L’Impera­trice de toutes les Russies et Reine de Pologne, p. 11. No description. For colour pls. see Lemaire, 1862, L’Illustration Horticole, vol.9, pl.312; Illustrated Bouquet, vol.2, part 7, 1862; and van Houtte, 1862, Flore des Serres, vol.15. Originated as a seedling of Tricolor by Mr Charles Schmitz, Flo­rence, Italy. Flowers of above average size, composed of large, rounded petals in the form of a rose and having streaks of crimson on a pure white ground. Synonyms: ‘Tricolor Flore Plena’, ‘Tricolor Imbricata Nova’. Orthographic errors: ‘Tricolor Pleno’, ‘Tricolor Sieboldtii Imbricata’, ‘Tricolour Imbricata Plena’. Orthographic variants: ‘Tricolor Pleno’, ‘Tricolour de Mathot’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season Italy

