Year Published/Registered:2011
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia 'Xiari Hongrong'
Species/Combination:C. azalea hybrid
Chinese Name:夏日红绒
Japanese Name:
Meaning:Summer’s Red Velvet
» English Description
Xiari Hongrong (C. azalea hybrid)). ICS, Journal 2011, p.57 with colour photo. China Regn. #2012-102. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2012, No.24, p.45. Gao Jiyin et al. 2016. Illustrations of the New Camellias Hybrids that Bloom Year-round. p.206.A cross of C. azalea x Royal Velvet. Flowers dense, dark red with a hairy texture, single form. Diameter 9-10 cm with 7-9 petals, obovate, slightly wrinkled and notched edges. About 90 stamens, filaments red and anthers yellow. Flowers summer to early winter. China Flowers and Horticulture, No.24, 15 Dec. 2012 with colour photo, Regn C-102; Originated by Palm Landscape Architexture Co. Ltd., China. Leaves dark green, long-elliptic and thick-coriaceous. Plant compact, upright and vigorous.
» Chinese Description
夏日红绒 Camellia ‘Xiari Hongrong’ 中国登录号:2012-102,《中国花卉园艺》2012年第24期45页。由吴桂昌命名,棕榈园林股份有限公司的刘信凯、钟乃盛、冯桂梅培育并登录。此杂交种是红山茶栽培品种皇家天鹅绒与杜鹃红山茶之间的一个杂交种。2006年播种,2010年首次开花。花蕾较长尖,萼片绿色,开花稠密。花朵黑红色,有绒质感,单瓣型,中到大型花,花径9~10 cm,花瓣5~9枚,倒卵形,微皱褶,先端略凹,雄蕊多,基部部连生,花丝红色,花药金黄色。叶片浓绿色,长椭圆形,厚革质。植株紧凑、立性,生长旺盛。花期6月至~12月份。
国家林业局品种权号:20140148。花蕾顶生和腋生,萼片黄绿或绿色。花朵黑红色,有绒质感,单瓣型,小到中型花,花径6-9 cm,花瓣,倒卵形,皱褶无或弱,先端微凹,雄蕊数量多。叶片深绿色,长椭圆形,厚革质,向外反卷。植株直立,生长旺盛。开花季节:冬春偶然开花,夏秋盛花。
高继银、刘信凯、赵强民,2016. 《四季茶花杂交新品种彩色图集》, p.206。“花蕾长纺锤形,萼片绿色,开花稠密。花朵黑红色,有绒质感,单瓣型,中到大型花,花径9.0~11.0cm,花瓣7~9枚,排列略不整齐,基部连生,倒卵形,微皱褶,先端凹,雄蕊约90枚,基部连生,花丝红色,花药金黄色。叶片浓绿色,长椭圆形,长9.5cm,宽3.7cm,厚革质。植株立性,生长旺盛。主要在夏、秋、冬开花,春季零星开花。
Flower Form:Single / Cup-shape
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Deep red
Flower Size: 9-10 cm
Blooming Season: 6-12 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Hongrong Gongzhu、Xiari Fendai、Xiari Fenli、Xiari Fenniang、Xiari Fenqun、Xiari Guangchang、Xiari Hongjuan、Xiari Hongpa、Xiari Hongyang、Xiari Kuangwu