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Xicha 5

Last Updated:2020/2/4 17:35:54 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2014

Cultivar Type:For Tea

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Xicha 5'

Chinese Name:锡茶5号

Japanese Name



» English Description

Xicha 5. (C. sinensis). Yang Yajun and Liang Yuerong, 2014. Clone Cultivars of Tea in China. p.47. 

Origin from Tea Research Institute of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, in 1970-1987 from the Yixing group using a single-plant breeding method. In Jiangsu's Yixing, Wuxi, Yizheng, Gao Qi has cultivation, Anhui, Hunan, Shandong, Henan and other provinces have introduced as well. In 1994, it was approved by the National All-Crop Variety Committee, no. GS13005-1994.

plant moderate, tree posture half open, branched dense. The leaves are horizontal, oval, leafy green, rich, leafy slightly bulging, leaf body flat, leaf edge flat, leaf tip blunt, leaf teeth deep, leaf medium. Corolla diameter 3.8cm, sliver 5 pieces, hairless, petal white, 7 petals, ovary hair medium, flower column 3 crack. Strongness in general. Seed 100 weight 138.7g, seed diameter 1.4cm.

Early in the spring, observed in Yixing Yushan, Wuxi, in 2011 and 2012, the initial extension of one bud and two leaves appeared on April 6th and April 9th, four days later than The Fuding Great White Tea. Bud leaf fertility is strong, sprouting neat, green, fat, hairmore, a bud three-leaf bud weight 77.4g. Spring tea one bud two-leaf dry sample contains about 16.4% of tea polyphenols, amino acids 4.8%, caffeine 2.6%, water-soaked 49.4%. Medium yield, 210kg of fresh leaves per 667m2. Suitable green tea, fresh fragrance, good quality and strong cold resistance.

Suitable planting area: The north-south green tea area of the Yangtze River.

Cultivation points: according to the regular tea garden cultivation management. Pay attention to the prevention and control of small green leafy greens and tea rulers.

» Chinese Description

杨亚军,梁月荣. 2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》47页。锡茶5号


【形态特征】 植株适中,树姿半开张,分枝密。叶片呈水平状着生,椭圆形,叶色绿,富光泽,叶面稍隆起,叶身平,叶缘平,叶尖钝,叶齿较深,叶质中等。花冠直径3.8cm,萼片5枚、无毛,花瓣白色、7瓣,子房茸毛中等,花柱3裂。结实性一般。般,种子百粒重138.7g,种径1.4cm。

【特性】 春季萌发期早,2011年和2012年在无锡宜兴玉山观测,一芽二叶初展期分別出现于4月6日和4月9日,较福鼎大白茶晚4天。芽叶生育力强,发芽整齐,绿色,肥壮,茸毛较多,一芽三叶百芽重77.4g。春茶一芽二叶干样约含茶多酚16.4%、氨基酸4.8%、咖啡碱2.6%、水浸出物49.4%。产量中等,每667㎡可产鲜叶210kg。适制绿茶,香味鲜爽,品质优良耐寒性较强。




Flower Size

Blooming Season China

