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Zhongcha 108

Last Updated:2025/3/19 16:27:11 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2014

Cultivar Type:For Tea

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis 'Zhongcha 108'

Chinese Name:中茶108

Japanese Name



» English Description

Zhongcha 108. (C. sinensis). Yang Yajun and Liang Yuerong, 2014. Clone Cultivars of Tea in China. p.100. Chen Liang et al. 2024. Records of Tea Cultivars and Resources of Chinese Tea resources (Volume I)-Registered Tea Cultivars. p.88-89.  [Applicant] Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Breeder: Tea Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. [Variety No.] Non-major crop variety registration No.: GPD tea tree (2021) 330016. former National Tea Tree Variety Appraisal Committee appraisal No.: national product appraisal tea 2010013. [Variety source] Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from the 'Longjing 43' branches of the 60CO gamma ray radiation mutagenesis M1 The variety is selected from the 60COγ-ray radiation mutagenesis M1 of 'Longjing 43' branches. Characteristics]: Shrub type, especially early species, tree posture semi-open, medium leaf type, leaf length 8.4 cm, width 3.9 cm, leaf blade narrow oval, leaf blade bearing state upward; in Hangzhou area spring tea bud two leaves bloom period is generally in late March, the new shoots and leaves of light green, velvet hairs are less, a bud of three leaf length of 7.9 cm, the weight of one hundred shoots of 36.7 grams. Spring tea bud two leaves biochemical samples containing tea polyphenols 12.0%, amino acids 4.8%, caffeine 2.6%, water leachate 48.8%. Suitable for green tea. Baked green tea, green and tightly knotted appearance, bright green soup color, aroma and fragrance, fresh and crisp flavor; flat green tea, flat and straight appearance, bright green and bright, fresh and fresh taste. The first growth cycle annual mu yield of one bud and two leaves 243 kg, 89% higher than the control 'Fuding large white tea'; the second growth cycle annual mu yield of 855 kg, 47% higher than the control 'Fuding large white tea'. It is resistant to tea small green leafhopper and tea orange gall bats, moderately resistant to tea tarsus mite, highly susceptible to blackfly, resistant to tea anthracnose, resistant to cold and drought. Suitable for planting in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hubei and Henan Xinyang, the tea area in the south of the Yangtze River and the north of the Yangtze River, in the spring or fall when there is enough rainfall. Cultivate with double rows and double plants; the variety of strong apical dominance, stereotyped pruning is recommended to use a year of two fixed cuts or hit the top of the promotion of branching to speed up the garden; Jiangbei tea area or part of the winter in the south of the Jiangbei tea area is susceptible to dry and cold winds tea area is recommended to choose the back of the wind plots planted.

» Chinese Description

杨亚军、杨月荣主编,2014. 《中国无性系茶树品种志》上海科学技术出版社,第100页。【产地与分布】由中国农业科学院茶叶研究所于1986〜2010年从龙井43辐射诱变后代中经单株选择一无性繁殖的方法选育而成。在浙江、四川、湖北、江西、江苏、陕西、山东等省有栽培。2010年通过全国茶树品种鉴定委员会鉴定,编号国品鉴茶2010013。【形态特征】 植株中等,树姿半开张,分枝较密。叶片呈上斜状着生,长椭圆形,叶色绿,叶面微隆起,叶身平,叶缘微波,叶尖渐尖,叶齿稀浅,叶质中。花冠直径3.2~3.9cm,花瓣白色、6~8瓣,子房茸毛中等,花柱3裂。【特性】 春季萌发期特早,2011年在杭州观测,一芽二叶期出现在4月3日,比福鼎大白茶早10天。芽叶生育力强,持嫩性强,黄绿色,茸毛较少,一芽三叶百芽重36.7g。2011年在杭州取样,春茶一芽;叶含茶多酚12.0%、氨基酸4.8%、咖啡碱2.6%、水浸出物48.8%。产量高,每667㎡可产干茶250kg。制绿茶品质优,适制龙井、烘青等名优绿茶。制烘青绿茶,外形绿润紧结,茶汤嫩绿明亮,清香浓馥,滋味鲜爽,叶底绿亮显毫。制扁形茶,外形光扁挺直匀整,翠绿鲜艳,滋味清爽鲜,叶底嫩绿。抗寒、抗旱性较强,较抗病虫,尤抗炭疽病。扦插成活率高。【适栽地区】江北、江南茶区。【栽培要点】适宜单行双株条栽规格种植,注意选择土层深厚、有机质丰富的地块栽种。按时进行定型修剪和摘顶养蓬。投产后需分批、及时嫩采,连续采摘数年后,蓬面需轻剪整枝。

中茶108 (Camellia sinensis ‘Zhongcha 108’). 陈亮等. 2024.《中国茶树品种资源志(上卷)茶树登记品种》第88-89.申请者】中国农业科学院茶叶研究所。【育种者】中国农业科学院茶叶研究所。【品种编号】非主要农作物品种登记号:GPD茶树(2021)330016。原全国茶树品种鉴定委员会鉴定编号:国品鉴茶2010013【品种来源】中国农业科学院茶叶研究所从‘龙井43’枝条60COγ射线辐射诱变M1代中单株选育而成。【特征特性】灌木型,特早生种,树姿半开张,中叶类,叶片长度8.4厘米、宽度3.9厘米,叶片窄椭圆形,叶片着生状态向上;在杭州地区春茶一芽二叶盛期一般在3月下旬,新梢芽叶浅绿色,茸毛少,一芽三叶长7.9厘米、百芽重36.7克。春茶一芽二叶生化样含茶多酚12.0%,氨基酸4.8%,咖啡碱2.6%,水浸出物48.8%。适制绿茶。制烘青绿茶,外形绿润紧结,汤色嫩绿明亮,香气清香浓馥,滋味鲜爽;制扁形绿茶,外形光扁挺直匀整,翠绿鲜艳,滋味清爽鲜。第一生长周期全年亩产一芽二叶鲜叶243千克,比对照‘福鼎大白茶’增产89%;第二生长周期全年亩产855千克,比对照‘福鼎大白茶’增产47%。抗茶小绿叶蝉和茶橙瘿蝙,中抗至抗茶跗线螨,高感黑刺粉虱,抗茶炭疽病,抗寒、旱。【适宜种植区域及栽培技术要点】适宜在江南茶区浙江、四川、湖北以及江北茶区河南信阳春季或秋季雨水充足时间种植。采用双行双株条栽方式栽培;该品种顶端优势较强,定型修剪时建议采用一年两定剪或打顶促分枝以加快成园;江北茶区或江南部分冬季易受干冷风侵袭的茶区建议选择背风地块种植。


Flower Size3.2-3.9 cm

Blooming Season China

