Year Published/Registered:1953
Cultivar Type:For Tea
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia sinensis var. assamica 'Beni-tachi-wase'
Species/Combination:C. sinensis var. assamica
Chinese Name:
Japanese Name:紅橘早生 べにたちわせ
鹿アッサム交配16号 旧系統名:鹿アッサム交配16号
茶農林14号 農林認定品種(茶農林14号)
» English Description
Beni-tachi-wase. (C. sinensis var. assamica). Registered in 1953. Cross combination: Ai2 x Nka01. Use for Black tea. Kagoshima Pref.
[Agriculture registration] Tea Norin 14
[Product registration] None
[Characteristics] Extremely upright, very early-ripening variety with mild aroma and delicacy as black tea.
[Developer] Kagoshima Prefectural Tea Experiment Station (Kagoshima Prefectural Agricultural Development Center Tea Industry Department)
[Origin] In 1934, at the Kagoshima Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, mating was carried out with the introduced species Ai26 from India as the mother and the native species NkaOl from Kagoshima as the father, and selected in 1939 from the seedling group. From 1942 to 1952, it was used for a test for determining excellent black tea trees, and it was named as Deer Assam Mating No. 16 because of its superiority. In 1953, it was registered as Tea Norin 14 and was named'Penitachisase'.
[Earlyness] Very early life. The germination period is 10 to 14 days earlier than'Yabukita'. Plucking period is more than 10 days earlier than'Yabukita'.
[Morphological characteristics] The tree is extremely upright, with strong tree vigor and growing stock. The collection of tea buds during the plucking period is rather good. Slightly high bud variety with a large number of buds and a large hundred bud weight.
[Cutting rooting] Good.
[Good or bad initial growth] Good.
[How to tailor young trees] The first pruning is performed at a position slightly lower than that of'Yabukita'. Since it is extremely upright and easy to rise, it is tailored to promote branching during the juvenile period.
[Yield] Medium. It's equivalent to'I'm so happy', less than'Yabukita'.
[Quality] The quality of black tea is rather good. The water color is bright red and slightly pale, and the aroma is mild. Its astringency is slightly astringent and refreshing. Fermentability is good.
[Cold resistance] Cold resistance in winter is slightly weak. It is weak against laceration type frost damage.
[Insect resistance] Strong against anthrax and ring spot disease. Slightly strong against the scale bug.
[Suitable for cultivation] A warm area in Kyushu and Shikoku where there is no frost damage.
[Processing characteristics] Black tea quality is straightforward and is more suitable for blending than alone.
» Japanese Description
Beni-tachi-wase, 紅橘早生 べにたちわせ 旧系統名:鹿アッサム交配16号。公表日:1953。 紅茶用・1953年登録・農林認定品種(茶農林14号)。交配組:Ai2×NkaO1。鹿児島県
Flower Form:
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Red
Flower Size:
Blooming Season: Japan
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Makinowara-wase、Makino-hara-wase、Beni-arajishi、Beni-arashi、Beni-botan、Beni-chōchidori、Beni-fukin、Beni-miyakodori、Beni-natsume、Beni-okesa