International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Elsie Ruth Marshall

Elsie Ruth Marshall

Last Updated:2022/8/11 9:51:19 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang


CountryUnited States

Year Published/Registered1966

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Elsie Ruth Marshall'

Chinese Name:紫明珠

Japanese Name



Maxieer (Marshall)  Gao, Jiyin, Ltr, 22nd August 1994. Chinese synonym for USA C.japonica Elsie Ruth Marshall.


» English Description

American Camellia Yearbook, 1966, p.87, Reg. No.900: This loose, rose form to peony form chance seeding first bloomed 1962. It has 40-50 petals, adnate at the base. Colour is from light pink (2.5R9/3) to light, purplish pink (5RP8/5) Nickerson Colour Fan Munsell Hue. Size is 10-12.5 cm across x 6-7 cm deep. Blooms have a few stamens with yellow anthers. Flowers mid-season to late. Most buds set singly. Plant growth is vigorous, fairly com­pact and upright. Large, dark green leaves. Originated by M.L. Marshall, San Gabriel, Califor­nia, USA. Received the “Margarete Hertrich Award” for 1970. See colour photo; front cover, SCCS, 1966, The Camellia Review, vol.28, No.1 and pl.53, p.38, Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.II, 1978. Sport: Elsie Ruth Marshall Variegated. Chinese synonym ‘Maxieer’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》 p.87. Elsie Ruth Marshall 紫明珠(C. japonica)红山茶。1966,美国加州 San GabrielM.L. Marshall 培育选出。初花1962年。玫瑰~牡丹形、淡粉〜淡紫粉、大轮(10~12.5 x 6~7cm)、几乎都是 单花、花瓣约40~50枚、基部合生、少量雄蕊、黄色花药、花期1~3月、树性直立、浓密、 长势强。花名:人名(艾尔西.鲁思•马歇尔)。Elsie Ruth Marshell—蔡福贵,1984,茶花,p.159, No.168.拼音错误。Elsie Ruth Marshall (紫明珠)一茶花林目录,1992-2006, p.9/28, No.252.


Flower Size10-12.5 cm

Blooming Season1-3 Month United States
