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Home/ Cultivars/ Madame Pépin

Madame Pépin

Last Updated:2024/4/14 4:29:25 By:Gianmario Motta

Type Image

Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1858

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Madame Pépin'

Chinese Name:贝夫人

Japanese Name



M. de Pepin  G. Mariotti Nursery Catalogue, p.16. Abbreviation for Madame Pépin.

Mad. Pepin  van Houtte Catalogue, 1872, p.364. Abbreviation for Madame Pépin.

Madam Pepin  Anderson & Co. Ltd. Catalogue, 1918, p.76. Orthographic variant for Madame Pépin.

Madam Peppin  Duncan & Davies Nursery Catalogue, 1924, p.31. Orthographic error for Madame Pépin.

Madame Pépin (Miellez)  Vervaene, J. Catalogue No.11, 1888. Synonym for Madame Pépin.

6 show +


» English Description

van Houtte Catalogue, 1858, 72:17. From Pépin. Not described. Verschaffelt, 1859, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book XII, pl.IV: A distinctive variety, the introduction of which we owe to M. Miellez ... Its blossoms, larger than medium, have a double form, two kinds of petals and triple colouring with perfect imbrication. The petals of the rows of the circumfer­ence are ample and rounded, full, a vivid cherry-red; the intermediate ones of similar form, are a delicate pink; near the centre they become suddenly smaller, oval, outspread in the form of a delicate pink dahlia, of a more delicate pink edged with white; at the centre they are smaller still, hooded, red with recurved edges. Originated in Italy by Sr. Pepin, Pisa. Orthographic errors: ‘Madam Peppin’, ‘Madame Peppin’. Abbreviation: ‘Mme. Pepin’, ‘Madam Pepin’, ‘de Pepin’, ‘M. de Pepin’. Synonyms: ‘Madame Pépin de Pise’, ‘Madame Pépin’(Miellez). Orthographic variant ‘Signora Pepin’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.169.

Madame Pepin 贝夫人(C. japonica)红山茶。1858,意大利 PisaSr. Pepin。完全形、草莓红、中轮(8 x 2.5cm) 

Madame Pepin (贝夫人)一新竹市茶花产销班目录,2002-2006, p.61, M59.


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season2-3 Month Italy

