International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Tafuku-benten


Last Updated:2022/8/26 15:27:15 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1859

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Tafuku-benten'

Chinese Name:多福弁天

Japanese Name:多福弁天 たふくべんてん

Meaning:Happy Goddess of Good Luck


Tahaku-benten  Fendig, 1953, American Camellia Catalogue. Corruption of the Japanese name Tafuku-benten.

Tahuku-benten  Watanabe, 1960, Kyōto Engei Kurabu, Tsubaki Tokushū, No.1, p.64.Different reading for Tafuku-benten.

Takuku-Benten  A.J.Mackie Nursery Catalogue, 1963, p.18. Corruption of the Japanese name Tafuku-benten.


» English Description

Kasuya, Kamegorō, 1859, Tsubaki Irohanayose Irotsuki in the section of variegated leaves: White, margined with streaks, small flower. See: JCS., 1969, Tsubaki, No.7, p.37; Ko’emon, 1879, Chinkashū: Pink blotched and edged white. Leaves variegated. Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.324, p.164, description, p.187: Leaf blades rather small, broadly elliptic, acuminate apex in the normal green leaves, but deformed in the variegated leaves. In the latter case, leaves variegated most strongly halfway between the midrib and the margin in various shades from white to pale green. Flowers single, red, (Carmine 21), very broadly margined with white. Staminal cylinder widely opened, stamens in a circle. Flowers mid-season to late. For other colour plates see: Tuyama, 1966, Camellia Culti­vars of Japan, pl.218; Encyclopedia of Camellias in Colour, vol.I, 1972, pl.445, p.183, description, p.359. According to this, ‘Tafuku-benten’ in Itō, 1879 is different to the modern ‘Tafuku-ben­ten’, which, however is believed to be the same as the Otafuku-benten in Mizumo, 1829, Sōmoku-kinyōshū. Andoh, 1971, Tsubaki, Meika no Shōkai to Saibai, pl.120, p.41; Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1980, Senchinshū, pp.89, 227. Yokoyama & Kirino, 1989, Nihon no Chinka, p.269 as ‘Tahuku-benten’. Different reading: ‘Tahuku-benten’. ‘Otafuku-benten’. Sport: Mikasa-no-­tsuki. Satomi, 1956, gives ‘Benten-tsubaki’ also as a synonym but Itō, 1879 lists them separately and the flower is not bordered with white.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.259.

Tafuku-benten 多福弁天(Happy Goddess of Good Luck)。(C. japonica)红山茶。1859,日本关东地区。单瓣、碟型、淡红底、宽白边覆轮、轮蕊、中轮、花期13月、叶片淡绿色二重覆轮、叶缘有不规则大小凹缺ロ、树性直立。突变种:Mikasa-no-tsuki (三笠の月)。

» Japanese Description

講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.359. 保育社 .1974. 《つばき》安藤芳顕著 .211. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.159. 淡交社.1989. 《日本の椿花》..269.    ガーデンラィフ編集部. 1980. 《原色日本の椿写真集千椿集》. 誠文堂新光社. 写/p.89、文/p.227. 誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.159.  日本ツバキ協会. 2010. 《最新日本ツバキ図鑑》. p.216. 江戸產. [花]淡紅色に幅広の白覆輪、一重、椀咲き、中輪、3~4月。[葉]不定形な弁天葉、中形、淡緑の二重覆輪となる錦葉でやや外曲する。[樹]立性。[来歴]1812年の「つばき名寄帖」に載る古い品種、糸覆輪の枝変りを三笠の月という。写/桐野、文/編集委員会


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season3-4 Month Japan

