International Camellia Register
Home/ Cultivars/ Hi-no-renge


Last Updated:2022/8/13 15:29:37 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered1695

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Hi-no-renge'

Chinese Name:绯之莲花

Japanese Name:绯の莲花

Meaning:Scarlet Lotus Flower


Habana  American Camellia Yearbook, 1950, Index p.427. Orthographic error for ‘Hibana’, synonym for Hi-no-renge.

Hibana  Williams & Thompson, 1950. American Camellia Yearbook, p.41. Synonym for ‘Hirenge’.

Hiren  Itō, Jukyū. 1739, Honzō Hanarnaki’e.Different reading for ‘Hirenge’ as a synonym for Hi­no-renge.

Hirenge  Itō, Ihei, 1695, Kadan Chikinshō, vol.1. Synonym for Hi-no-renge, and now more commonly used in Japan than the valid name.

Hirenge  Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1979, Senchinshū, p.129 colour photo, p.243, description.Different reading for Hi-no-renge.

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» English Description

Itō, Ihei, 1695, Kadan Chikinshō; Itō, Jukyū, 1739, Honzō Hanamaki’e as ‘Hirenge’; Itō, Ihei, (before 1810), Hyakka Tsubaki Nayose Irotsuki; Yashiro, 1841, Kokon Yōrankō, vol.306; Kasuya, Kamegorō, 1859, Tsubaki Irohanayose Irotsuki in section on double flowers. The kanji characters in the original manuscripts vary somewhat, but all are thought to be the same as the moderm cultivar: Slender in shape and two fold flower, The corolla is light coloured and the margin a little darker red than the rest. Resembles the lotus flower. Itō, Ko’emon, 1879, Chinkashū; Tuyama. 1966, Camellia Cultivars of Japan, pl.13, p.20; Tuyama, 1968, Camellias of Japan, pl.180, p.91, description, p.142: Leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic, apex long acuminate, remotely crenate. Flowers semi-double, rosy (Spinel red 0023), slightly streaked or blotched with paler rose colour, petals opening widely and grad­ually recurving outwards. Flowers mid-season to late. Originated in Japan. Sport: Sazanami. Seibundō Shinkōsha, 1979, Senchinshū, pp.124, 243 as the different reading: ‘Hirenge’. Resem­bles Benitorinoko. Note; This cultivar is now most commonly known in Japan as ‘Hirenge’.

» Chinese Description

朱國棟、蔡燦玉,2011. 《台灣茶花族譜》,p.126.

Hi-no-renge 绯の莲花(Scarlet Lotus Flower)(C. japonica)红山茶。1695,日本江户。Sazanami(涟)的红花枝变种。半重瓣、莲花形、桃红红色、筒蕊、大轮、花期122月、树性横张。不同读音:Hiren (绯莲)、Hirenge (火莲华、绯莲华)。

» Japanese Description

 講談社 1975年 《現代椿集》 P.317 保育社 .1974《つばき》安藤芳顕著 p.215. 文化出版局. 1975. 《現代椿名鑑》. P.199.   誠文堂新光社.1998.《日本ツバキ.サザンカ名鑑》.p.217. 【花】桃紅〜紅色、八重、蓮華咲き、 筒しベ、大輪、3〜4月。【葉】楕円、 大形、平坦。【樹】横張り性。【来歴】 漣の枝変わり紅花。1695年の「花壇 地錦抄」に火の蓮花と載るのが初 め。写/桐野、文/編集委員会。


Flower Size10-13 cm

Blooming Season12-2 Month Japan

