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Hua Silian

Last Updated:2022/8/3 9:24:34 By:wangzhonglang

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Chosen by wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2011

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Hua Silian'

Chinese Name:花丝莲

Japanese Name



» English Description

Zhou Li, 2011, Illustrated Handbook for Sichuan Camellias, p. 154. A sport of ‘Sanxueshi’,. Plants vigorous with open crown, branches relatively small sized, shoots slightly drooping. Leaves deep green, elliptic, with apex apiculate, base obtuse, margins slightly reflexed as turtle shell shaped, venation protruded, measuring 7 cm to 9 cm across by 4 cm to 5 cm wide, serration not obvious. Calyxes are opening. Flowers light pink. Petals rounded, with red stripes and small spots, flat, about 95 segments imbricated regularly. Center small petals are irregular in margins. Formal double form, abundant inflorescence, diameter 8 cm to 10 cm wide. Booming February to April, at fully blooming in March.  Key points of identification: Very similar with variety ‘Sanxueshi’, in characteristics, but light pink with red stripes in whole plant. Origin: Chongqing of China

» Chinese Description

周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.154。三学士的芽变品种。植株开张,生长旺盛,枝条较细长,小枝略下垂;夜深绿色光亮,椭圆形,先端渐尖,基部宽楔形,叶缘略反卷成龟背装,叶脉凸出,叶长7cm-9cm,宽4cm-5cm,叶齿不明显;花萼开张,花浅粉红色,花瓣上有红色斑块和细小红点,花瓣圆形,平展,呈覆瓦状排列整齐,约95枚,花心部花瓣较小,边缘不规则,完全重瓣型,花朵稠密,花径8cm-10cm,花期3月-4月,盛花期3月。识别特征:性状与三学士相似,全株只开浅粉红色花瓣上带红色条斑的花朵。原始产地:重庆


Flower Size8-10 cm

Blooming Season3-4 Month China

