International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Hua Zhizi

Hua Zhizi

Last Updated:2022/8/2 15:23:52 By:wangzhonglang



Year Published/Registered2007

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Hua Zhizi'

Chinese Name:花栀子

Japanese Name



Hua Zhizicha  Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification ....Outstanding Camellias, p.223

Hua Zhizicha  Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification ....Outstanding Camellias, p.223


» English Description

Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification ....Outstanding Camellias, p.223 with colour photo; Cultivated in the Chendu area, Sichuan, China. A variegated sport of Hong Zhizicha. Flowers white to light pink with red stripes and spots. Other details as for parent. 

Zhou Li, 2011, Illustrated Handbook for Sichuan Camellias, p.110. Plant growth vigorous, with relatively open crown. Leaves light green, serration shallow and sparse, glossy, flat, with apex apiculate, base cuneate, measured 8.5 cm to 9.5 cm across by 3.5 cm to 4.5 cm wide. Calyxes arc opening. Flowers light pink. Petals elliptic to rounded, thinner texture, with deep pink spots. Most petals not open, imbricated tightly as cordate shape, about 75 segments, diameter 6 cm to 7 cm wide, formal double form, medium floral abundance. Blooming February to April, at fully blooming in March.  Key points of identification: Flowers light pink, petals with deep pink spot, thinner texture, and most petals not open, imbricated tightly as cordate shape.

» Chinese Description

周利主编、2011《川茶品种图鉴》 p.110。植株较开张,生长旺盛;叶浅绿色,长8.5cm-9.5cm,宽3.5cm-4.5cm,有光泽,叶片平展,先端渐尖,基部楔形,叶齿浅稀;花萼开张,花浅粉红色,花瓣上带深粉红色斑点,花瓣椭圆形近圆形,花瓣质地较薄,多数花瓣不开放,包裹紧实呈心状,75枚,花径6cm~7cm,完全重瓣型,花量中等,花期2月~4月,盛花期3月。识别特征:花浅粉红色,花瓣上有深粉红色斑点,质薄,多数花瓣不开放,呈心状。原始产地:四川


Flower Size6-7 cm

Blooming Season2-4 Month China
