International Camellia Register
Home Cultivars Alcinia Rosea

Alcinia Rosea

Last Updated:2022/11/13 16:29:07 By:wangzhonglang

Type Image

Chosen by Gianmario Motta



Year Published/Registered1847

Cultivar Type:For Ornamental

AGM Type

Scientific Name:Camellia japonica 'Alcinia Rosea'

Chinese Name

Japanese Name



Alcina  Catalogo Plantarum Cesarii Regii horti Modiciam, 1844; van Houtte Catalogue, 1844-1845, 18:7. No description. van Houtte Catalogue, 1866-1867, 116:24 as a synonym for ‘Saccoi Vera’ as ‘Sacco’.de Jonghe, 1851, Beknopte Handleiding tot het Kweeken von Camellias, p.107, as synonym for Alcinia Rosea. Orthographic errors: ‘Alunia’, ‘Aluna’ , ‘Aluna Vera’.

Alcina d'Italia  Seidel, 1870, Pflanzen Catalog, p.5. Synonym for Alcinia Rosea.

Alcina Rose  Hazlewood & Jessep, 1972, Checklist - Camellia Cultivars from Nursery Catalogues, p.6. Orthographic error for Alcinia Rosea.

Alcina Rosea  van Houtte Catalogue,1849-1850, 38:51. Orthographic error for Alcinia Rosea.

Alluna Major  Burdin Maggiore & Co. Catalogue, 1845, p.41. Orthographic error for Alcinia Major.

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» English Description

Spae, 1847, Annales de Gand 3:177, pl.131; Verschaffelt, 1848, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book IV, pl.l: A vigorous shrub of rapid growth; the branches are a strong dark brown, the leaves are oblong, pointed, serrated and veined a deeper green. The buds are large, rounded and green; the blossom anemone form, with numerous, imbricated petals of clear pink with a few white stripes. Sometimes known as ‘Alunia Rosea’, an error made when copying from the label. Synonym: ‘Alcina d’Italia’. van Houtte lists it as a synonym for Saccoi Nova. Originated in Italy. Orthographic error: ‘Alcina Rose’.


Flower Size

Blooming Season Italy
