Year Published/Registered:2015
Cultivar Type:For Ornamental
AGM Type:
Scientific Name:Camellia reticulata 'Yunhua Taohong'
Species/Combination:C. reticulata
Chinese Name:云华桃红
Japanese Name:
» English Description
Yunhua Taohong (C. reticulata). China Regn. #2015-195. China Flowers & Horticulture, 2015, No.24, p.49. Flowers loose peony form, peach red, 13-15 cm diameter, petals 28-32 in 4 whorls, outer petals large and flat, inner petals twisted, stamens partly petaloid, others cluster in the center. Leaves elliptic to broadly elliptic, 9.5-12 cm long, 3.3-5.5 cm wide, apices acuminate, bases cuneate to broad cuneate. Flowers early to mid-season.
» Chinese Description
云华桃红 Camellia reticulata ‘Yunhua Taohong’ 中国登录号:2015-195,《中国花卉园艺》2015年第24期49页。由冯宝钧命名,云南省腾冲县腾越镇侍郎坝肖家寨的肖永先培育并登录。本品种从野生红花油茶林中选育。花桃红色,松散牡丹型,花径13~15厘米,花瓣28~32枚,4轮着生,外轮花瓣大,瓣平,内轮波状曲折并直立,雄蕊部分瓣化成花瓣,部分分数束夹生于曲折花瓣间,雌蕊退化,不能结实。叶椭圆形至宽椭圆形,长9.5~12厘米,宽3.3~5.5厘米,先端渐尖至尾尖,基部楔形至宽楔形,叶面叶脉下陷。花期12月~2月。
Flower Form:Peony / Peony
Flower Colour:Single color Flower / Pink
Flower Size: 13-15 cm
Blooming Season: 12-2 Month China
Flower Fragrance:
Recommend Links: Taohong、Yunhua Cha、Yunhua Jinhuan、Guiye Taohong、Jianye Taohong、Liujiao Taohong、Maye Taohong、Quban Taohong、Taohong Baozhu、Taohong Mudan